Presentation Title Goes Here …presentation subtitle. International Crop Information System : Its Development and Rice & Wheat Implementation Arllet M. Portugal and Graham Mclaren GCP
:: color, composition, and layout The ICIS Vision Connecting Islands of data o Connecting germplasm to crop improvement o Integrating data across disciplines o Leveraging data sets to understand crop adaptation o Linking phenotype to genetics and genomics Enabling collaboration o Seed exchanged with information o Leveling the information playing field Developing global information resourcs
:: color, composition, and layout What is ICIS? ICIS is a computerized database system for general, integrated management and utilization of genealogy, nomenclature, evaluation and characterization data for a wide range of crops. ICIS is a public open source collaboration involving a number of CGIAR centers and non-CG partners ICIS is an empty shell which must be implemented for each crop individually ICIS IWISIMISIVIS ICHISISCIS IBIS … IRIS
:: color, composition, and layout Components of ICIS Crop Data Management o Genealogy Management System (GMS) o Data Management System (DMS) o Inventory Management System (IMS) o Genetic Resources Information Management System (GRIMS) Genetics/Genomics (GEMS)
:: color, composition, and layout Genealogy Management System (GMS) GMS stores and manages information on genesis, genealogy, nomenclature and chronology of germplasm for a particular crop. It operates on the principle of unique identification of germplasm through system assigned Germplasm IDs It separates management of genealogy data from nomenclature so users are free to name germplasm as they like anf the genealogy is always ‘computable’
:: color, composition, and layout Genealogy Management System Structural Assumptions Accommodate all possible development methods Three development classes o Generative methods which increase genetic variability, o Derivative methods which focus variability, o Maintenance methods which retain genetic variability Germplasm can be classified into groups of derivatives from a specific generative process, I.e. all the lines from a cross
:: color, composition, and layout The GMS Data Model has progenitors Developed by Called Developed at Developed by With value of Named by METHODS NAMES LOCATIONS USERS USER-DEFINED FIELDS ATTRIBUTES Named at GERMPLASM Defined property of GENERATIVE GERMPLASM DERIVATIVE AND MAINTENANCE GERMPLASM has group has source
:: color, composition, and layout ICIS Applications: Standalone Tools ICIS Workbook SetGen Inventory Tracker
:: color, composition, and layout GMS Applications Genealogy Display Tools Pedigree Input Tools Breeder’s Tools (Set Generation) Breeder’s Tools (Field Books) Analysis Tools (Coefficients of Parentage)
:: color, composition, and layout Historical Data from China
:: color, composition, and layout APPLICATIONS -Browse
:: color, composition, and layout SETGEN GMS application for managing lists of germplasm for breeding, characterization or evaluation o genealogy o nomenclature o chronology
:: color, composition, and layout List Manager: germplasm list generator
:: color, composition, and layout Data Model of DMS Filename: N2000DS.xls Study Datum Variate Factor Level Observation Unit
:: color, composition, and layout Data Model... NITROGEN FERTILIZERPROPERTY SCALEkg/ha METHOD Fert Total Application VariateFactor Yield GRAIN YIELD t/ha Adjusted Yield
:: color, composition, and layout Data Model.... STUDY FACTOR Applied in LEVEL Level of OBSERVATION UNIT Indexed by Recorded from DATUM Measurement of VARIATE Observed in PROPERTY Identified by SCALE Expressed in METHOD Measured/Applied by
:: color, composition, and layout ICIS Development Documentation of ICIS Release of ICIS
:: color, composition, and layout Why IRRI needs ICIS then? Data are scattered around the institute No integration in the current systems System was unshareable The technology was obsolete
:: color, composition, and layout IRIS: Linking Islands of Information BREEDING PROGRAM SOIL STRESS DATA INGER GRC SHU IR64 MUTANT DATABAS E GCP DATA GAMMA LAB
:: color, composition, and layout IRRIGATED RICE BREEDING CENTRAL IRIS DATABASE IRB LOCAL DATABASE IRRIGATED RICE BREEDERS Grain Quality PBGB DATA MANAGEMENT Cross Definition Quality Field Books for HB, F2, PN, OYT, RYT Evaluation Data and Pedigree Processing Data
:: color, composition, and layout Sample Field book with historical data
:: color, composition, and layout INGER: International Trials >> Trial Details Field book Rainfall Promising entries Weather
:: color, composition, and layout GRIMS: Integration of Genebank System with IRIS
:: color, composition, and layout SHU and SMTA Portal
:: color, composition, and layout IWIS3: Managing the Global Wheat Data International Nursery Trials IWIS2 Genebank Accessions ICARDA Wheat Breeding IWIS3 NARS Punjab Agricultural University Directorate of Wheat Research, India Advanced Research Institute SPARC- AAFC Univ. of Sydney UQ CIMMYT Breeding Data Durum/ Triticale Irrigated Rainfed
:: color, composition, and layout IWIS3 websites CIMMYT Search for a germplasm Pedigree Tree Trial Study
:: color, composition, and layout Rainfed Durum Triticale IWIS3 for Wheat Breeding Irrigated
:: color, composition, and layout Generate a cross IWIS Cross
:: color, composition, and layout Generate a Selection Run IWIS Selection Retrieve the list of entries to advance to next generation Fill up the Description sheet of the template Enter the number of plants selected in the NSEL Enter outstanding trait, if there is any. Load the study Generate the lines using SetGEn IWIS Selection
:: color, composition, and layout Entering data using handheld FieldLog
:: color, composition, and layout Future Development through MBP Configurable Workflow Better management of molecular and genotyping Integration of genotyping and phenotyping data Integration of ontology system Integration with analysis tools Not Operating System dependent
:: color, composition, and layout Acknowledgement Guy Davenport ICIS Development Team Zeus Development Team MBP Development Team CRIL Staff ACIAR and AIMBP collaborators IRRI GRC, PBGB, INGER and SHU CIMMYT Global Wheat Program and GRP Graham McLaren GCP