Update on CHANTI F. Ambrosino, T. Capussela, D. Di Filippo, P. Massarotti, M. Napolitano, L. Roscilli, G. Saracino Università degli Studi di Napoli «Federico II» e Sezione INFN, Napoli *
Outline Status of the construction New layout FEE tests Perspectives for the dry run A run with GTK ?
CHANTI construction (1) The first CHANTI station is completed Currently under tests in vacuum to assess the outgassing The vacuum chamber used for the tests will be modified to host the CHANTI station during the technical run (outside the main vacuum)
CHANTI construction (2) Total number of bars needed: 46*6 = 276 Already cut in mechanical workshop: 230 (83%) With fiber/connector glued: 92 (2 stations) Tested (w cosmic + autotrigger): 78 Accepted 76/78 (97%) Expect to complete all six stations before end of the year (on schedule)
CHANTI layout The CHANTI and LAV must act as a veto for respectively large and small angle particles produced on the GTK The first LAV station is seen at a maximum angle of 49 mrad wrt the GTK- 3 corner The current design is not completely hermetic down to 49 mrad ToyMC : a station is hit if a track crosses it with a path length of at least 33 mm In the region between 49 and 52 mrad geometrical efficiency above 90% but not 1
New layout (1) If a 320 mm long tube downstream of the CHANTI is removed, can arrange differently the stations to improve hermeticity down to the angular region overlapping with the LAV New layout with GTK-3+ CHANTI 1-5 stations in one vessel, connected via a tube to a second vessel hosting the last CHANTI station New positions (from GTK-3 surface) mm Agreed with Niels, and already in the latest Beatch file
New layout (2) Geometrical efficiency above 99% down to 49 mrad
Tube radius Check the minimum acceptable tube radius connecting the two CHANTI vessels «Dangerous» hits: tracks hitting the tube walls before hitting any CHANTI station Minimum safe radius: 130 mm Design based on a 156 mm radius tube to be conservative
New layout: the vessel(s)
New layout: the vessel 10 DB37 signal flange (1 spare) 6 DB37 signal flange
Chanti FEE scheme Re-use LAV ToT boards in a two level scheme CHANTI boards: Set Vbias (mV), FAST amplification, Single ch current (nA), read temp probes Prototype 4 ch board prepared at LNF Vacuum vessel Flange CHANTI boards (9X) 16 CH TOT boards (9X) 32 CH
First tests on CHANTI boards Very large bandwidth 20X amplification Turns out to be too much noise sensitive, expecially at relatively high freq (100 MHz) Time resolution on cosmic rays (900 ps) slightly worse than the one (720 ps) obained with an older and (on paper) less performing electronics. New preamp board ordered and in production with adhoc solutions to cope with these problems. -improve adaptation to the SiPM -add noise filter
First tests on CHANTI boards (2)
Dry run: Q&A (1) Q: current status of your system and time schedule with critical issues A: Detector ready. New preamp boards in production-> critical issue. Tests of the full chain (using TELL1 in Napoli) foreseen end of June Q: what will be there for the dry run (and for the test run in fall), A: The detector, 1 TEL TDCB + 1 ToT board + 1 CHANTI board (32 ch) If delays in CHANTI board production use prototye 4ch board for the dry run and insert later on (as soon as ready) the 32 ch board, before the technical run Q: where will your system be placed A: In a vacuum tight small box placed on a table next to LAV1. DAQ hosted inside LAV1 crate
Dry run: Q&A (2) Q: what it will need in term of hardware and software services (crates, power, control, network, cables, PCs, boot/disk servers, DHCP, etc.) A: Need power for two standalone power supply if using prototype 4ch FEE (Dry run) DCS is not yet implemented for the CHANTI board, everything will be configured manually. It would be very useful to have at least a 500MHz bandwidth scope to check signals Q: what equipment you will bring and set up (e.g. control PCs) A: If using the 4ch prototype board we will bring two Power supply modules to power on the board and the SiPM Q:what you would like to test of your system in ECN3 (both on your own and in connection with others) A: The integration of the whole CHANTI DAQ chain into the common dataflow. For the technical the main issue is to test response of the system to the muon halo also for calibration purposes
A run with GTK ? A run to test GTK prototypes has been asked and is foreseen in H6 beginning of November We are considering to put a second CHANTI station there with a standalone DAQ (e.g. using the VME6U ToT prototype board and a commercial CAEN HPTDC inside a VME crate) A big effort: could be useful to test e.g. a G4 simulation of the interaction of the beam with the GTK prototype and to check for noise induced by the proximity of the two detectors (they will be separated by only 27 mm in real life…) Contacts with GTK group started to evaluate feasibility and coordinate efforts.