ACTION PLAN Breakout Group No: Group Members: … NAFC Integrated Working Groups Meeting – March 2008
Theme/Issue and Outcomes Theme/Issue Description: Tools and information to manage for sustainable forest ecosystems for continued flow of ecological and economic services Expected Outcomes: Consistent monitoring, mapping, and reporting on North America’s forest resources Enhanced ability to predict risks and potential impacts Conservation/management strategies to continue flow of forest ecosystem services
ActivitiesTime line/ Resources Responsible 1. Form committee of WG contacts to coordinate 2. ID criteria to set priorities 3. Develop web site to share information and products 4. Harmonize terms and definitions 5. ID stressors to study 6. ID resources to track 7. Assess what data are currently available 8. Assess gaps in data 9. Develop historical disturbance databases 10. Develop inventories 11. Link to FRA 12. Develop common set of maps (leads to develop stress and risk maps in outcome 2) Early later 1. See Communications plan slide 2. Coord commttee 3. Jean, Simon, Liza 4. IMWG (lead) but other WGs too 5. Rona 6. IMWG (for FRI resources) 7. IMWG, Rona 8. IMWG, Rona 9. FMWG (bill) (lead) 10. IMWG (lead) but with others too 11. IMWG 12. IMWG (lead) but with others too OUTCOME 1: Consistent, standardized monitoring, mapping and reporting On North America’s forest resources
ActivitiesTime line/ Resources Responsible 1. Define and share discreet scenarios for evaluating risks 2. Evaluate available analytical techniques 3. Share methods and adapt if necessary 4. Develop stress risk maps 5. Evaluate cumulative effects of stressors (leads to evaluate how impacts of stressors change in response to other stress conditions in outcome 3) Early later 1. Kurt 2. Steve 3. Steve 4. Rob, Armando 5. Steve OUTCOME 2: Enhanced ability to predict risks and impacts, standard comparisons Across boundaries.
ActivitiesTime line/ Resources Responsible 1. Ensure adequate participation of stakeholders 2. Develop guidelines for genetic conservation 3. Literature review of available management strategies for stressors 4. Evaluate how impacts of stressors change in response to other stress conditions 5. Develop specific management strategies, including guidelines such as an assisted migration guideline 6. Develop reverse engineering process to determine data to feed strategies 7. Understand how climate change may change our strategies to respond to stress 8. Develop continental warning system for risks 9. Establish command and response center for outbreaks, fires, etc. Early later 1. Juan, Manuel 2. Kurt 3. Brad 4. Not determined 5. Chris, couahtemoc 6. Steve 7. Juan 8. Not determined OUTCOME 3: Conservation/management strategies to continue flow of forest ecosystem services
Monitoring Plan How will you know you are achieving proposed outcomes? …. Who will check? ….
Communication Plan Communication Mechanisms: Coordinating committee One member from each working group Role to coordinate information flow among WGs and between BOA and WG Members: Steve McNaulty, Simon Bridge, Judy Loo, Jean Bielieu, Armando ?, Chris Knopp, Juan Frausto Web site, conference calls, blog, wiki, , sharepoint Tools to support your efforts: