The status of RF components on Maria Filippova, RF components: Loads Phase shifters Attenuators Hybrids Splitters Directional couplers WR 90 (E/H) bends RF flanges (SLAC design) RF flanges (CERN design) Gaskets The aim of the meeting is to give the status of the current production.
Status of RF components on RF components have to be supplied to the following projects: -X-Band stand alone test -TBL series (for TBL prototype RF com. are supplied) -TBTS phase 2.2 (for phase 1 and 2.1 RF com. are supplied) -PSI (CH) -Trieste/ Elettra (IT) -RF components for KEK and Klystron test at SLAC are already supplied. We have got the full information of the RF components needed to supply by CERN for these projects on the 13 th of February The total information is presented in summary table in two parts. The 1 st part of the summary table shows the information about following RF components: loads, phase shifters, attenuators, hybrids, splitters, directional couplers, WR 90, RF flanges (SLAC design) male/female, RF flanges (SLAC design) closed male/female, RF flanges (CERN design), gaskets. Maria Filippova,
Summary table for RF components 1 st part RF components TBTS P2.2 TBL series X-band stand alone testPSI Trieste/ Elettra SUM quantity for all projectsOrderedReceived Sum received Already supplied To be supplied We have at CERN Available * To be ordered Loads from VDL (NL) (non conform) = 31 5 from CINEL (IT)5 10 from CINEL (IT)10 May (2+2) from HEEZE (NL) H-01,02,03,04[SS430]4 1 from CINEL (IT) [SS430]1 1 from COBHAM (UK)June under tendering - Phase shifter 12 from GYCOM (RU) Attenuator 2 2 from GYCOM (RU) + 1 body2 +1 body 201 body Splitter from VDL (NL) Hybrid2 2 4 from CINEL (IT) from CHINA7 Directional couplers from GYCOM (RU) =251 5 from COBHAM (UK)Sep 10 1 from Nihon Koshuha (JP)Jul 10 8 from COBHAM (UK)?22 weeks 8 from Nihon Koshuha (JP)?5 months 1 from IHEP (CN) Dec Feb 2011 WR90 straight m x5m=40 SLAC RF flanges - male from VDL (NL) will order in few days 180 from VDL (NL) SLAC RF flanges - female from VDL (NL) will order in few days180 from VDL (NL) SLAC RF flanges closed - male 10 will be ordered in few days 20 from VDL (NL) SLAC RF flanges closed - female 10 will be ordered in few days 20 from VDL (NL) CERN RF flanges 6 60 Gaskets from VDL (NL) will be ordered in few days 300 from VDL (NL) * including RF components under production//marked green components are in our stock Maria Filippova,
FromQtyDelivery datePrice/Piece (CHF) Status VDL (NL)5Proto-21/01/2008, ser-11/04/200823’673Received CINEL (IT)5Proto-11/01/2008, ser-30/05/200817’497Received HEEZE (NL)4Proto-10/10/2008, ser-05/12/20084’923Received for KEK CINEL (IT)124/10/200833’193Received for KEK CINEL (IT)1010 May ’000Ordered COBHAM (UK)1June 2010?Ordered (via Steffen) ?16Schedule is asked: by 4 each month from June-September 2010 ?Under tendering since Status of RF components on Tab. 2 High power loads Maria Filippova, from CINEL (IT). Delivery time is 10 May weeks delay due to final machining problem, which are now solved.
FromQtyDelivery datePrice/Piece (CHF) Status GYCOM (RU)10The prototype-20/12/2007, series-30/06/ ’000Received 2 in our stock COBHAM (UK)5The prototype – 11 June 2010, series – 30 Sep 2010 at the latest 10’000Ordered NIHON KOSHUHA (JP)15 July ’455Ordered IHEP (CN)18-10 months, December February ’321Ordered COBHAM (UK)822 weeks – by the end of September ’450Under approval by CERN NIKON KOSHUHA (JP)85 months – by the end of September ’662Under approval by CERN ?1??We really need this! Status of RF components on Tab. 3 Directional couplers Maria Filippova, Following new requirements we would need to order an additional directional coupler.
Status of RF components on Tab. 4 RF flanges SLAC type, WR90 and gaskets Maria Filippova, TypeQtyDelivery datePrice/Piece (CHF)Status SLAC RF flanges - male Received 1806 weeks127Will order in few days SLAC RF flanges closed - male 206 weeks93Will order in few days SLAC RF flanges - female Received 1806 weeks170Will order in two weeks SLAC RF flanges closed – female 206 weeks141Will order in two weeks WR90 straight (meter)4037Received 100??Need to order Gaskets Received 3006 weeks28Will order in few days RF flanges (SLAC type) and gaskets from VDL (NL). WR90 from AT Wall company.
Summary table for RF components 2 nd part Maria Filippova, RF components TBTS P2.2 TBL series X-band stand alone testPSI Trieste/ Elettra SUM quantity for all projectsOrderedReceived Sum received Already supplied To be supplied We have at CERN Available * To be ordered WR90/H-bend U (117Fx230x205.5F), f-f WR90/H-bend (117.0x113), m-f WR90/H-bend (112.88/117.04), m-f WR90/H-bend (117.04/117.04), f-f WR90/H-bend (202.54/117.04), f-f WR90/E-bend (78.49/82.78), m-f WR90/E-bend (82.8Fx444.5M), m-f WR90/E-bend (82.8Fx78.5M), m-f WR90/E-bend (82.8Fx630M), m-f WR90 straight 200 mm, m-f WR90 straight 560 mm, m-f WR90 straight 590 mm, m-f WR90 straight mm, f-f WR90 straight 704 mm, m-f WR90 straight 900 mm, m-f WR90 straight 1150 mm, m-f WR90 straight 1416 mm, m-f WR90 straight 3000 mm, m-f WR90 MAGIC TEE, m-m-m ? * including RF components under production/marked green components are in our stock The 2 nd part of the summary table shows the information about the following RF components: the straight WR90 waveguides and the bends (E-type and H-type). These components will be delivered ready to be installed (i.e. with flanges already brazed) by CERN to PSI (CH) and Triesta (IT). CERN asked about machining and brazing of the straight WR90 waveguides and of the bends (E-type and H-type) VDL. The part of the ordered waveguide flanges can be used by VDL for fabrication of these items. This can be launched soon.
Status of RF components on Maria Filippova, Photo 1. H-bend bending test and cut/ throughPhoto 2. Front view of bend cut/ through With the material CERN have supplied VDL did several tests to see if they can manufacture the bended pipes. The results are shown on the photos 1,2. There is a small distortion only on the outside as a result of material displacement. (This inside is filled with a kind of water-dissolvable wax to prevent inside distortion.) CERN cannot make a decision about acceptable result based on the photos. The bends shall be sent to CERN for inspection and validation in few days.
Status of RF components on Maria Filippova, Notes: PSI (CH): - Straight raw waveguide, RF flanges and gaskets have high priority and should be sent as soon as possible. The rest of the components shall be delivered as soon as they are available, in any case it would be preferable to have all the items for September Trieste (IT): -To be sure that the WR circuit will fit the klystron position. Trieste ask that the exact length of the two WR90 straight pieces, marked WR90 S1416 FxM and WR90 S687.5 FxF, would be communicated later. -Trieste prefer to have a cooling system brazed on the WR90, but the layout is not yet decided. -solution with WR 90, no ceramic window, no vacuum valve adopted.
Under discussion : Q (Trieste): Could CERN provide us as a Magic Tee to split the power before the section? A (CERN): We can send our splitters. Is it fine with you? If not, we cannot to supply The Magic Tee. Conclusions: New components have to be ordered: one directional coupler (to be confirmed) WR90 flanges H/E bends Status of RF components on Maria Filippova,