Dear Mrs. LaRue: Using Children’s Picture Books to Teach Persuasive Writing By: Vanessa Stenulson Teravista Elementary Kindergarten-Round Rock ISD
A little about me… Grew up in Round RockGraduated from Texas State University– Go Bobcats! Taught first year in Leander ISD with the Teacher Fellows Program Taught 2 nd grade at Gattis Elementary for 2 years
This year… I am starting my second year of teaching Kindergarten at Teravista Elementary. Teravista Elementary commits to building and sustaining a nurturing, inclusive, innovative, and collaborative environment where the development of every child is the responsibility of all.
Teravista Elementary Demographics Enrollment as of 1/26/10: 1,047 students Accountability Rating: Exemplary Student Ethnic Distribution:
My Classroom
Writing in Kindergarten *We start with drawing our pictures. *Add words/labels. *Work on making the pictures & words match. *Students use knowledge of high frequency words in their writing. *Learn to add details in both pictures and words. *Learn to “fancy up” stories before publishing them. “When you think you’re done, you’ve only just begun!” -Lucy Calkins
My Philosophy *S tudents will rise to the expectations that are set for them. *I believe in/use the workshop approach (mini lesson, write, and share out). *The teacher and students should read & write everyday. *Students receive individualized instruction with conferencing daily. *Students talk with each other. *We all learn from each other. *Organization is key!
Connection to Philosophy Vygotsky- Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. Calkins- As we take lessons from our children, we demonstrate to them that their lives are worth writing about. We help our students know what they know- and this is essential in a writing workshop.
Why do we write? It’s as easy as PIE! Inform Entertain Persuade Getting kids to think about their audience.
Persuasive Children’s Books
Dear Mrs. Larue Why do you think Mark Teague write this book? To persuade, inform, or entertain?
Story Time!
Today you will write your own persuasive letter for that one thing that you really want.
Make a list of at least 5 things you want Share with your partner Choose ONE thing
Let’s Get Moving! Who are you writing to? What are you asking for? What type of voice will you use? How will you persuade? Why do you need/want this thing?
Time to write!
Author’s Chair
Closing Thoughts It is my experience that very few writers, young or old, are really seeking advice when they give out their work to be read. They want support; they want someone to say, ‘Good job.’ John Irving No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise for the writer, no surpise for the reader. Robert Frost Writing everyday is a way of keeping the engine running, and then something good may come out of it. T.S. Eliot
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