LehighUML Project John Pequeno, Adam Balgach, Sally Moritz & Professor Glenn Blank
Extreme Programming XP Method Iterative Development Iterations measured in minutes to weeks Time of iteration dependent on project type. LehighUML Iterations of 1 to 3 weeks Not by any means a rigid Software Process. Very open to interpretation, and custom implementations based on the requirements of a specific project.
Extreme Programming Reqs. The few XP Requirements that are a must are: Short iterations of Req Solicitation-> Iteration Design -> Development - > Testing -> Acceptance Testing Very close communication with customer.
Extreme Programming Iteration
Integrated Development With Customer “One of the few requirements of extreme programming (XP) is to have the customer available. Not only to help the development team, but to be a part of it as well. All phases of an XP project require communication with the customer, preferably face to face, on site. It's best to simply assign one or more customers to the development team “ ~ ExpremeProgramming.com LehighUML Team Customer – Sally Moritz & Glenn Blank
Customer Bi-Weekly Meeting Goal Test for problems and bugs with current iteration Acceptance Testing Problem/bug fixes done for prior iterations New Features implemented in this iteration Decide on project velocity/new User Stories (i.e. Release Plan for next iteration).
Initial Brainstorming of Features Brainstormed a list of possible features to implement brainstorm.txt
Initial copy of User Stories When project first started we decided on an initial Requirements/User Stories document. Through the iterations of the XP cycle, changed the User Stories as required by customer. User Stories.doc
And After Months of Iterations… The final product was delivered after some 15 Iterations. Strengths of this Software Process No disconnect of customer to product Customer gets a product very close to what they expect. Fast Cycles offer low overhead, and allow for maintenance iterations easily if design changes need to be made.
Important References Eclipse.org home - Open Source Java IDE Eclipse.org home Most popular Java IDE. Very VERY good IDE. Most integrated Plug-In development environment we’ve ever seen. Books: The Java Developer’s Guide to ECLIPSE Shavor, D’Anjou, Fairbrother, kehn, Kerllerman, McCarthy Very good book with great section specifically on Eclipse Plug-In Development
Graphical Editing Framework GEF - Graphical Editing Framework for Eclipse The Entire Plug-In was built on the GEF framework. Allows for very easy creation of Logical Editors in Eclipse. Entire LehighUML Project built on top of GEF Framework GEF Project Overview with Examples GEF Project Overview with Examples A Shape Diagram Editor A Shape Diagram Editor Very good starting point: Displaying a UML Diagram with Draw2D in GEF Displaying a UML Diagram with Draw2D in GEF
Product Presentation Let’s take a look through the product, and briefly analyze some of it’s design.
Conclusions Looking for a few good men Possible features to work on next. UML Class Diagram Enhancements 2-Way Reverse Engineering including Code to Diagrams UML Sequence Diagrams Any Questions?