Northwest Sardine Survey (NWSS) Aerial Sardine Survey Plan for 2011 Northwest Sardine Survey, LLC (Jerry Thon, Principal) Science Advisor: Tom Jagielo
Background Pilot Study in Northwest Funded by NWSS Method Approved by STAR Panel for use in PFMC Stock Assessments Aerial Survey in Coastwide Funded by proceeds from EFP: NWSS and CWPA Aerial Survey in Coastwide Funded by proceeds from EFP: NWSS and CWPA Plan for Coverage off WA and OR To be funded by proceeds from EFP: NWSS
2011 Aerial Survey Objectives Conduct an aerial survey of Pacific sardine to obtain a third biomass data point using this method – Survey area off WA and OR. Conduct point sets over a broad area (these are used to relate the aerial survey to biomass). New stratification to help reduce the CV of the biomass estimate from the aerial survey.
2011 Aerial Survey Design Stage 1 Sampling: Aerial Survey Transects 41 Transects off Washington and Oregon Transects oriented E/W - Two strata: 7.5 nm and 15 nm spacing Stage 2 Sampling: At-Sea Point Sets 76 Sampled Schools Distributed by Size: Size bins range from 100 m 2 to 10,000 m 2 (4-82 mt) Biomass and CV are estimated from the transect and point set data
Cape Flattery to OR/CA Border – 41 Transects Northern Area -- Cape Flattery to Tillamook, OR Transects nm apart Aerial Survey Coverage Southern Area -- Tillamook, OR to CA Border Transects – 15 nm apart
Typical Pattern of School Distribution
2011 Aerial Survey Logistics 4 EFP Permitted Purse Seine Vessels Three Survey Aircraft Aircraft are equipped with FMC Digital Aerial Photography Data Acquisition System
Point Sets are sampled for: Length Weight Maturity Age (otoliths) N = 50 fish, taken from unsorted catch at beginning, middle, and end of delivery as it is pumped Biological Sampling
Relating School Surface Area to School Biomass
Some Exceedingly Large Schools Have Been Observed Transect No Photo 258 School Area = m² School Biomass = mt