Business Management Melanie Qualm Adrianna Powell Spencer Colgan Jordan Olson
Did you know the main cause of failure in businesses is management? That's because most people don't have the qualities that help them manage a business. Its the key factor to being able to support and stabilize
There are four types of Management: 1. Small Business Management 2. Business Leadership 3. Human Resource Management 4. Financial Business Management
1. Small Business Management
Qualities necessary to Manage a Small Business: Independent, persistent, and self motivated Willing to work long hours and take risks Ideas and Preparation & Research,
Having a Business plan is key… Business plan - a written description of the business plan and idea and how it will carried out Key elements - Description of the business Description of competition Marketing plan Customer analysis Operations plan Financial plan
2. Business Leadership
Steps and Skills Involved The ability to influence individuals, groups, or teens to accomplish goals. The five human relations skills: Understand yourself Understand others Communicate Build a team Develop job satisfaction
3. Human Resource Management
What is involved: All the aspects of recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, and evaluating employees. Analyze the businesses current staff and its needs for additional employees Employee Compensation and Benefits
The three steps for that are: 1. Need for Employee 2. Employee Qualifications 3. Find New Employees The first step in managing human resources is analyzing the businesses current staff and its needs for additional employees
4. Financial Business Management
Three Parts… Financial Planning – Document Necessary: Business Budget- A detailed plan for meeting the financial needs of the business Budgeting- three different types of budgets Financial Reports
Budgeting Types Start up Budget - Plans the income and expenses from the beginning of the business till it becomes profitable Operating Budget - Financial plan for day to day operations of the business Formula: Revenue - Expenses = Profit/Loss - Revenue= Income Cash Budget - Estimate of the money expected to be received and paid out over a certain period of time
Financial Reports It’s important to keep the following records and documents: - Cash Records - Records of accounts - Inventory - Pay roll records - Asset Records
Balance Sheet A financial statement that lists a businesses assets and liabilities. - Also shows equity or net worth *Formula: Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth - Assets = Things Owned - Liability = Things Owed - Net Worth = Equity
Sources: Intro To Business Book 2000
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