Trade Networks of Africa and Asia Chapter 2, Section 3
The Muslim World Rise and Spread of Islam Early 600’s Islam emerged from Arabia. Islam’s founder was Muhammad. Followers are called Muslims. Their sacred book is the Quran. Their holy city is Mecca. Islam spread across North Africa and Spain. Islam also spread eastward into Persia (Iraq) and India. Islam spread via trade and conquest.
The Muslim World Trade Routes Muslims traded across a vast (large) area. One of the ways Muslims traveled for trade was across water. Their ships used triangular sails like those on modern sail boats. The captains were experts in wind direction and weather conditions of the Indian Ocean (which they used often).
The Muslim World Silk Road Another way Muslim traders traveled was over land. Through grasslands, mountains, and deserts of Central Asia. These land routes were called Silk Routes because Chinese silks were carried westward on them for more that 2,000 years. What were some of the difficulties Muslim trades faced? How did they protect themselves? Muslims sold porcelains from China, cloth from India, ivory and gold from East Africa and spices from Southeast Asia.
African Trading States and Cultures City-States of East Africa Trade followed the East African Coast. Why? Wealth from all the trade helped East African rulers build strong city-states. Many rulers of the city-states became Muslim. How did the language Swahili come about? Trading Kingdoms of West Africa What covers most of West Africa? What were the kingdoms that emerged as a result of the trade routes?
African Trading States and Cultures Trading Kingdoms of West Africa Mali rose around 1200 A.D. and flourished for 200 years. Mali adopted Muslim as their religion. Mali’s most famous ruler was Mansa Musa. In 1324 the ruler went to Mecca on the way Musa stopped at Cairo, Egypt. His wealth amazed the Egyptians. Rumors of his wealth spread to Europe. In the 1400’s, Songhai emerged as the most powerful kingdom in West Africa.
African Trading States and Cultures Village and Family Life Most people lived outside around the kingdoms in small villages. What did they do to make a living? Family relationships were and are important in African Cultures. Extended families lived together. Who did this include? Families were linked via ties of kinship. Religious beliefs varies across Africa but there were many commonalities. What were some of these similarities?
Chinese Voyages of Trade and Exploration The Great Treasure Fleet 1402 Zheng He came to power and wanted trade in his kingdom. He had 300 ships built which carried 28,000 sailors and tons of trade goods. How large was the largest ship? Zheng He made 7 long voyages between 1405 and 1433 to Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa.
Chinese Voyages of Trade and Exploration The Voyages End Zheng He’s fleets returned home with great exotic goods and animals. After his death Chinese voyages stopped. Why? What Might Have Been
Independent Work Pick Two: Explain why trade groups flourished in the Muslim world? How did trade and religion link people in the Muslim world? What were some common values that linked the people of many different African cultures? How did China’s emperor encourage overseas trade in the early 1400’s?
Group Work Draw an outline map of Asia and Africa. Write the name of the country that were part of trade networks from the 1400’s.