Paleolithic Hand Axe Neolithic Arrowhead
Essential Questions 1.How did people obtain food during the Paleolithic Age? What problems resulted from this method? 2.What discovery signified the beginning of the Neolithic Age and what changes came about as a result of this discovery?
I. Stable Food Supply Paleolithic Food The Paleolithic people were hunter gathers, meaning that they eat mostly meat, fish, shellfish, leafy vegetables and fruits from wild plants, nuts, and insects in varying portions. Neolithic Food No longer depended on hunting and gathering. Domesticated animals –Raising and using them for their own purposes. –Ex. Sheep/goats/cattle for meat. Milk from goats/cattle. Mules to carry heavy loads & pull plows. Plant seeds and harvest crops. –Over time learned which seeds produced most crops in area where they lived. Domestication of animals + farming = agriculture =stable food supply
II. Shelter Paleolithic Shelter During this age they lived in caves or rough, tent like structures. These shelters were temporary because they often moved with the animals and to find new plants. Neolithic Shelter The Neolithic people packed mud into bricks to build rounder or rectangular houses. These houses protected them from the harsh weather conditions around them.
III. Community Paleolithic Communities The Paleolithic communities formed bonds of 20 to 60 people. These people wandered from place to place in the search for food. Neolithic Communities Farming allowed the Neolithic communities to begin. People settled by farms, resulting in villages/communities People organized themselves more efficiently. They would divide up the work in the community.
IV. Jobs Paleolithic Jobs Paleolithic people’s main job was to find food to survive. Neolithic Jobs The Neolithic people didn’t just want to survive they wanted to make themselves, and their surroundings, more beautiful. Specialized jobs (pp30)
V. Trade Paleolithic Trading The Paleolithic people rarely traded with other groups. They used their own materials. Neolithic Trading The Neolithic people became more crafted by trading and wanted different material to improve the strength and beauty of the things they made.
Summary Write a quick summary answering: What did you SEE? What did you HEAR? What did you overall learn?