BMS Data Integration and Consolidation MS Access Module
Create Folder at Drive C: Create BMS folder. Create BMSAllData folder.
Data Export Procedures 1)Gather all BMS File 2)Open each BMS File 3)Export Data to Excel File 4)Save As... Filename( ex. DivName ABC NHS) 5)Save or put the excle files to BMS folder you have created.
Data Integration Procedures 1)Open the DataIntegrator Excel file 2)Click the Click Me button. It will integrate all BMS file from BMS folder. 3)Delete Column A of integrated file (output) 4)Insert at first row and copy the heading from one BMS file (Columns A:AH) 5)Replace Office column with your Division Name or Region Name. 6)Save as... (exact filename AllData)
Data Consolidation Procedures 1)Put the AllData excel file to BMSAllData folder. 2)Open MS Access file (module for consolidation). 3)Click the Import button. 4)Select a particular report.