ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-1 EW M ILLENNIUM P ROGRA NNMM Program Overview Dr. Christopher Stevens Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology June 19-20, 2001
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-2 Flight Validation of Breakthrough Technologies to Benefit Future Space and Earth Science Missions Breakthrough technologies Enable new capabilities to meet Earth and Space Science needs Reduce costs of future missions Flight validation Mitigates risks to first users Enables rapid technology infusion into future missions Impact On 21St Century Science Missions Breakthrough Nature Of Technology Perceived High Risk to the First User NMP Science Missions Industry Lower Technology Maturity Advanced Concepts Cross Enterprise Technology Focused Program Other Agencies New Millennium Program System Validation Subsystem Validation
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-3 Program Architecture Program Attributes Increases launch opportunity Reduces “low tech” elements’ costs Technology - Focused Projects Phase APhase B Technology - Focused Project Formulation Process Broad user community Multi - Theme Technology Benefits Partnership / Shared Launches Maximizes cost effectiveness of validation approach Balanced portfolio System / Subsystem Approaches with Frequent Flights Breakthrough Technologies Requiring Flight Validation Phase A Open competitive technology calls
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-4 NMP Program Structure
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-5 NMP Organization Chart NASA Headquarters Office of Space Science Office of Earth Science Education & Outreach Administration & Financial Management Program Engineering Integrated Project Formulation Team Program Executive EO-3 Mission EO-2 Mission EO-3 Mission DS-5 Mission DS-4 Mission DS-3 Mission DS-2 Mission ST5 Mission Program Executive New Millennium Program Manager (JPL) Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Chief Scientist Program Technologist Director Solar System Exploration Director Earth Science & Technology
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-6 Program Overview Earth Orbiting 1 (EO1) 11/00* Deep Space 1 (DS1) 10/98* Deep Space 2 (DS2) 01/99* A cross-Enterprise program to identify and flight validate breakthrough technologies that will significantly benefit future Space Science and Earth Science missions. * Actual Launch Date ~ 870m (at max range) Laser beam (~ 1mradbeam width) Laser Radar 5km max range Microsat Carrier Vehicle USER Space Technology 6 (ST6) Aeroshell Space Technology 7 (ST7) Space Technology 5 (ST5) 2003 Earth Observing 3 (EO3) 2004
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-7 Confirmation Assessment Process Formulation Refinement (Phase B) Implementation (Phase C/D/E) PDR Confirmation Assessment Center Commitment JPL GPMC HQ MCR We are here
ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 NMP 2-8 Summary NMP space flight validation provides a critical bridge from technology development to use in future science missions –Facilitates realization of benefits from NASA technology investment portfolio Program focus is on validating breakthrough technologies that enable new high priority science capabilities or provide needed capabilities at greatly reduced cost and risk for both ESE and SSE missions Program focus is on more frequent flights through partnerships, subsystem validations and flights-of-opportunity New Millennium Program