Welcome Parents! Back to School Night Miss Bower’s Kindergarten Class
First things first… My expectations… Rules Listed on the wall We review them often Discipline Traffic Light Note Home Yes/No Jars “Happy Hippos” Daily Folder Everyday! Homework Extra Practice sheets
Our Weekly Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Circle Time Math Reading Library Writing Reading Lunch/Recess Reading Centers ScienceSocial StudiesScienceSocial StudiesScience ArtGymComputersMusicGym We are not in Pre-School anymore!
But… Look how much fun we have during our songs!!!
We do Learning Centers often and the kids love them!
Our Curriculum Harcourt Story town 10 Themes Reading and Writing Everyday Mathematics “Trust the Spiral” Math Harcourt Science Weekly Readers &National Geographic Science and Social Studies
Practice, Practice, Practice! Reading Letters and Sounds- ask them about the song Sight words or “Heart words” Writing “Where do you start your letters?” Encourage them to write the sounds they hear Math Numbers- writing and counting Shapes, Coins, Colors, Patterns
Homework Daily homework activity Read with your child and sign the paper Practice the letters and sounds Our reading theme activities Monthly Math Calendar... Will start in Oct.
Upcoming Events… Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY!!! Please send in your picture money tomorrow, if you have not done so already Friday we are celebrating “Johnny Appleseed,” and will be taste testing many different kinds of apples. If possible, have your child bring in their favorite kind of apple. Book Orders are also due on Friday!!
Internet Access? ? Please let me know if you and your child have access to the internet. I have lots of sites to share with you. Do you ? I would love to start a “Class E- mail.” Please let me know if you would like to participate.
Thank you so much for coming! “ Remember your support plays a big part in your child’s education” If you ever need to reach me please me: or call the ext. 210