GradeCertificated Staffing Total Staffing 4.18**.38** 8.46**.59** 11.70**.79** 2 **p <.001 Trend: As staffing increases, so do library services Source: Achterman, D. (2008). Haves, halves and have-nots: School libraries and student achievement. Doctoral dissertation. University of North Texas, Denton.
GradeTestr 4ELA.14** 8ELA.19** 8Social Studies.24** 11ELA.49** 11U.S. History.51** 3 **p <.001. All remained significant when controlling for school and community variables Trend: As library services increase, so does student achievement
Offering a program of curriculum- integrated information literacy instruction Grade CST Test r 4ELA.12** 8Social Studies.14** 11ELA.38** 11U.S. History.39** **p <.001. All remained significant when controlling for school and community variables, including average parent education; poverty; ethnicity; English language learners; average teacher salary, and fully credentialed teachers.
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
Providing reading, listening and viewing guidance for students Grade CST Test r 4ELA.09** 8ELA.12** 11ELA.34** 7 Correlations remained significant at grades 8, 11 when controlling for school and community variables **p <.001
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
Collaborating with teachers to develop, plan, implement, and evaluate student learning. Grade CST Test r 8Social Studies.08** 11ELA.28** 11U.S. History.29** 10 **p <.001. All remained significant when controlling for school and community variables
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
Informally instructing students in the use of resources Grade CST Test r 4ELA.16** 8ELA.19** 8Social Studies.22** 11ELA.47** 11U.S. History.47** 13 All remained significant when controlling for school and community variables *p <.01, **p <.001 Library Services and Student Achievement
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
GradeTest r 4ELA.11** 8ELA.19** 8Social Studies.22** 11ELA.49** 11U.S. History.51** Significance persisted when controlling for all school, community variables. **p <
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
19 GradeCertificated Staffing Total Staffing 4.13**.47** 8.32**.68** 11.64**.80** **p <.001
GradeTest r 4ELA.08** 8ELA.16** 8Social Studies.20** 11ELA.52** 11U.S. History.54** Significance persisted when controlling for all school, community variables. **p <
Addressing these school library standards: What the library staff does:
What our students do:
School library programs raise student achievement. Investing in the school library = investing in our students’ success.