UNIT 5 REVIEW GAME Citizenship Influencing the Government Political Parties Republicans v. Democrats Voting Elections
Voting is a ___________. responsibility
Paying taxes is a ________. duty
Unfair or unequal treatment of a particular group. discrimination
Special steps to help minorities and women gain access to jobs and opportunities. Affirmative Action
Why must limits be placed on rights. To protect the rights of others.
What are the 3 categories of rights? Security Equality Liberty
Separation of people because of race or ethnic group. Segregation
An organization that supports a particular issue Interest Group
Formed by interest groups to raise $ to help candidates get elected. PAC – Political Action Committee
People hired by interest groups to provide information and influence politicians. lobbyist
Provide (2) sources of mass media. Newspapers Magazines TV Radio Internet
One positive of interest groups. Make government responsive Communicate people’s wishes to government Enable Americans to participate in government Pressure government to follow policies people want.
One negative of interest groups. too much say in government campaign $ gives too much influence in government
Provide a source of public opinion personal background mass media public officials interest groups
When a party names the candidates that will run for office. nominate
An effort to gather support for candidates and inform voters on party’s stand. campaign
A party’s statement of goals and positions on various public issues. platform
Why has party loyalty declined in recent elections? Movement of people Apathy Voting the Individual
Give (3) functions of political parties. Select & support candidates Inform the public Carry message to government Watchdog Link between levels of government
What are the (3) levels of political party organization? Local State Federal
Party’s position dealing with just one particular issue. Plank
Considers education #1 priority, and advocates for local control. Republicans
Government should provide adequate health care to all Americans. Democrats
Tax increases are a last resort. Republicans
Do not believe in affirmative action or quotas. Republicans
Need programs to help poor become contributing members of society. Democrats
Believe in a fetuses right to life. Republicans
Government must be responsible for providing basic needs. Democrats
Lack of interest of concern. apathy
People who are eligible to vote in an election. electorate
Must be done in order to be eligible to vote. registration
List one thing people should do to vote. Learn about candidates Learn the issues
3 Reasons why people do not vote. Voter registration is difficult Movement Illness Apathy
What percentage of people usually vote in a presidential election? 50%
A test to see if a person can read or write. Literacy test
What do PACs do? Raise $ for particular candidates.
An attempt to promote a particular person or idea. Propaganda
Voting for all candidates of a particular political party. Straight ticket
What is the difference between a primary election and the general election? Primary – political party General – political office
What is the difference between the popular vote and the electoral vote? Popular vote – citizens Electoral vote – Electoral College; office
3 procedures for nominating candidates. Caucus Nominating convention Primary elections
Voting for people of various political parties. Split ticket