By: Jess Turley 4 th hour
A leg ulcer is a wound or open sore, that will not heal unless you take the correction actions for treatment.
SYMPTOMS: › Ulcers may or may not be painful › You may have a swollen leg that burns and itches › A rash or redness will appear › Your skill will become dry and scaly › There is also a brown discoloration of the skin
Poor circulation Blood clots Diabetes Kidney Failure Hypertension Lymphedema (buildup of fluid causing swelling) High Cholesterol Pressure caused by lying in one position for too long Genetics Infections History of Smoking Heart Disease High Blood Pressure
Antibiotics Anti-Platelet or Anti-Clotting medications Wound Care Therapies Compression Garments Prosthetics or Orthotics
Well, if you leave a Leg Ulcer untreated it can result in amputation. The skin eats away at itself so if it eats enough there may not be enough to heal.
Here we go!!! 1. If you quit smoking, manage your blood pressure, and limit your sodium intake you can lower your risks of getting a Leg Ulcer! 2. Staying active will keep your blood circulating properly which will also reduce your risks. 3. There are 3 types of Leg Ulcers: 1.Venous: below the knee, inner part of the leg 2.Neuotrophic (diabetic): increased pressure points on bottom of feet. 3.Arterial (ischemic): often on heels, tips of toes, between toes, on bones that protrude and rub on shoes.
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