Info = anything that can be known. Intel = info that has been processed for a policy maker. All intel is info, the reverse isn’t true.
GEOINT (maps and imagery) SIGINT (radio, etc) HUMINT (collected from people and their artifacts) MASINT (measurement and signatures – ie spectroscopic [gasses, radiation], tectonic [earthquakes and nukes]) OSINT (open source – ie the web)
LAVINT: lavatory RUMINT: rumor DIVINT: divine
This class will focus on government intel – and skip, for example, business intel work. Managed via a plethora of agencies, which we will discuss next week.
Avoid strategic surprise [ie Pearl Harbor, endangers national existence]. Contrast to tactical surprise [ie 9/11] Provide long-term expertise to transient policy-makers Support the policy process
Read chapter 1 of your book – review of today’s lecture.