The Protestant Reformation Causes of the Reformation Success of Catholicism led to criticisms  Won hearts, spirits, and $$ of Western Europe  Church.


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Presentation transcript:

The Protestant Reformation

Causes of the Reformation Success of Catholicism led to criticisms  Won hearts, spirits, and $$ of Western Europe  Church corruption  Abuses of Church practices and positions  Indulgences: Cancellation of the penalty given by the Church to a confessed sinner.  Johann Tetzel: “As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.”  Raised $ for Church activities  Simony: Buying church positions

Causes of the Reformation 2… ► ► Conciliarism: Theory that a general council of the church has greater authority than the pope and may, if necessary, depose him ► ► Printing Press: Credited to Johannes Gutenberg in 1450   1 of the most significant inventions in history   Increased the output of printed material   Made such material available to much of the population = increased literacy rates

The Spread of the Printing Press

Martin Luther ( ) ► Augustinian friar ► Professor at university in Wittenburg, Saxony ► Came to believe that personal efforts—good works such as a Christian life and attention to the sacraments of the Church—could not “earn” the sinner salvation ► “Justification by faith alone” (1515)

October 31, 1517 ► 95 Theses, statements, about indulgences were nailed to the door of the Wittenburg church and challenged the practice of selling indulgences ► Wanted to REFORM the Catholic Church Selling Indulgences

Luther’s Relations with the Pope and Governments/Writings ► Excommunicated by Pope Leo X in 1521 ► Diet of Worms (1521): publicly condemned by HRE Charles V ► Wanted nobles and clergy to reform the Church ► 1534: Translated the Bible into German City of Worms

The Peasant Revolt

Important Protestant Events ► 1524: Peasant Revolt: Nobles repressed it with Luther’s blessing: killed 70k-100k peasants ► 1529: Word ‘Protestant’ is 1 st used ► 1530, Augsburg Confession: Comprehensive statement of Luther’s beliefs ► 1555: Peace of Augsburg established the permanent religious division of Germany into Lutheran and Catholic churches  “Curius regio, eius religio”  “His region, his religion”—meaning that the religion of the region follows the religion of the person ruling there

Reformation Europe (Late 16 c )

Resources ► Susan M. Pojer ► ml ml ml ► REA AP European History Book