Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Executive Committee August 25, 2015
Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Executive Committee August 25, 2015 Room 133, College of Medicine Welcome – Dr. Elizabeth Oates Introduction of new members Introduction of guest: Michael L. Rowland, Ph.D., College of Medicine, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Website development Update on meeting dates and times: 4 th Tuesday of each month, 5-6 p.m. Update on Survey development Follow-up on Work-Life Survey results – Dr. Hollie Swanson Organization of WIMS Current Task Force: Survey Task Force – Co-Chairs: Susan Smyth, M.D. and Hollie Swanson, Ph.D. Future Task Forces: Kick-Off Program Task Force– Suggested date early October 2015 WIMS Group Organization/Structure Task Force Future Programs Task Force The WIMS Executive Committee SharePoint site is being developed and the site url for access by the membership of the WIMS Executive Committee will be distributed by Friday, August 28, 2015.
COM Departments & WIMS Executive Committee Member Representative College of Medicine DepartmentsFaculty Executive Member Representation Basic Sciences Anatomy and Neurobiology Behavioral Science Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics Molecular & Cellular BiochemistryKathleen L. O'Connor, Ph.D. Pharmacology and Nutritional SciencesNancy R. Webb, Ph.D., Hollie I. Swanson, Ph.D. Physiology Toxicology and Cancer Biology Clinical Departments Anesthesiology Emergency MedicineRebecca C. Bowers, M.D. Family and Community MedicineShannon J. Vogt, M.D. Internal MedicineLisa R. Tannock, M.D., Susanne Arnold, M.D., Kristine Lohr, M.D., Susan Smyth, M.D. Neurology Neurosurgery Obstetrics & GynecologyWendy F. Hansen, M.D. Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Pathology & Laboratory Medicine PediatricsCarol L. Steltenkamp, M.D., MBA Physical Medicine & RehabilitationLumy Sawaki Adams, M.D., Ph.D., Susan M. McDowell, M.D. PsychiatryAmy L. Meadows, M.D. Radiation Medicine RadiologyElizabeth M. Oates (Liz), M.D., Chair SurgerySandra J. Beck, M.D. Urology *AAMC Benchmarking
Mission Statement Create a supportive network composed of junior and senior women faculty to create a stable foundation and generate opportunities for career advancement and development.
Purpose In response to the Dean’s initiative to provide opportunities to faculty for mentoring and development, it is necessary to identify the greatest areas of need and plan programming that is relevant and focused.
Survey Method Electronic distribution Attend COC meeting (in September or October) and ask department chairs to send to faculty encouraging their participation. Recipients: Men and Women faculty Full-time and part-time Length of survey: two weeks reminders: Monday following first week of survey 48 hours before survey closes
Draft survey questions 1.Demographic questions: Gender Age range MD, PhD, DO, MBBS, etc. (Check all that apply) Clinical vs. Basic Department (optional) Title Series Rank Part-time or full-time Tenured (Yes or No) Length of service Range of years Write-in specific date
Draft survey questions 2. What is your overall satisfaction with your career? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Other _________________________________________ 3.Have you ever experienced or witnessed gender bias in the workplace? Yes--please briefly explain______________________ No ________________________________________ 4.Do you feel that your professional demands allow for adequate Work-Life balance? Yes, please explain. __________________________ If no, what programs do you feel would better support a Work-Life balance?
Draft survey questions 5.Do you feel that barriers exist with regard to advancement and/or promotion? (Please check all that apply.) Exclusion from informal networks Lack of interest in your research area Lack of professional respect Lack of clinical mentors Lack of academic mentors Lack of research mentors Lack of dedicated time Lack of support from department/unit Other_______________________
Draft survey questions 6.If offered, would you participate in programs specifically targeted to career development and professional networking? If yes, what topics would interest you? Promotion and tenure Leadership skills Academic portfolio Research development/grant writing Dossier preparation Scholarship teaching and learning Time management/organizational skills Wellness (work/life balance, etc.) Other _______________________
Draft survey questions 7.If your schedule permitted, how likely would you be to participate in a program targeted toward career advancement and faculty development? Very likely Probably Somewhat likely Very unlikely Not at all likely
Draft survey questions 8.In a typical week, what days and times would be convenient for you to attend a one-hour program or event? Please mark all that apply. MTuWThFS Before 8 a.m. Morning p.m. Afternoon After 5 p.m.
Draft survey questions 9.How often would you be available to attend a program targeted toward career advancement and faculty development? Monthly Bi-monthly One or two times/year Other______________
Draft survey questions 10.What type of format do you most prefer to participate in career advancement and faculty development? One hour visiting speakers One hour interactive sessions Half-day workshop Interactive webinar Recorded sessions that can be watched at my convenience Other__________________ *AAMC Benchmarking
Proposed Timeline for Survey June-August 2015: Survey development September 14-25, 2015: Electronic distribution of survey October/November 2015: WIMS Kickoff (share findings from survey) TO BE REVISED