EXERCISE AFTER STROKE Specialist Instructor Training Course T11 Generic Risk and Risk Management Systems (EAP’s) J. Dennis/Bex Townley
Content What is risk Identifying, AND REDUCING risk Venues & Exercise areas Systems On the floor – adverse events & emergency action procedures
Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, you should be able to: List risk types and how they apply to exercise settings Describe the risk assessment process Demonstrate competency in risk assessment Discuss your own typical area risk assessment Discuss and rationalise what to do in the event of an emergency, or potential emergency/adverse event
Essential Reading Further detail about the topics discussed in this session can be found in section [ ] of the course syllabus, and the risk assessment documentation in the summative assessment pack
How do we know about risks?
activity individual environment Risks may arise from the interaction between the individual, the activity and the environment.
Types of Risk Generic Risks (environmental, equipment, modes of delivery, communication) Clinical Risks…
Generic Risk Assessment Access Environment Equipment Participants Instructors…how do we effect risk? What do we to reduce risk? Communication
How do you risk assess? Have a chat with the person next to you.. Who is responsible in your workplace? What documentation do you use? When is it completed?
Systems & Organisation Communication in an emergency Emergency action plan in place - documented Staff trained in Emergency Operating Procedures Manual/people handling training recommended Medical history /screening Emergency contact numbers First Aid Qualifications Up to date
Adverse Events V’s Emergency On the floor? Potential emergency? Rationale for action taken?
Person Falls Rationalize actions to take (Clients Falls History?) Ability to communicate clearly? Do they usually get up unassisted? Reason for fall? What happened? First Aid Protocols Would you be able to instruct them off the floor? Considerations for the other participants? DECISION Is it safe & appropriate to instruct them off the floor? DECISION
Summary First Aid certification Manual /people handling Check area risk assessments and ensure inclusion of stroke population hazards/risks Document your systems and disseminate Essential Action Find out/re-visit your adverse events and EAP’s in your workplace, identify who you need to contact to agree if issues of joint working
Summative Assessment As part of your practical assessment you will be required to complete a risk assessment for any venue (real or otherwise) to evidence your completion of a risk assessment for the session.
Instructing Off the Floor? Following assessment, if safe/appropriate; Make safe other participants Notify others if required/prepare for help Place chairs, prepare to support upright trunk position Roll on to affected side Unaffected arm -push into upright sit Unaffected arm onto chair to assist Unaffected leg used to push backside onto second chair