Approve a Solicitation or Contract The following slides outline the process for approving a purchasing solicitation or contract within MYACT SharePoint.
Tasks Assigned When you receive a task , double click it so that the message opens into a separate window. Look for the “Open this Task” button in the toolbar. Then click on it.
Complete the Task When you click on the “Open this Task” button within your , Internet Explorer opens a new screen with fields allowing you to approve or reject the task. Do not use the request changes or reassign the task buttons.
Review Documents To review documents associated with the procurement or contract, click this link.
Review Documents After clicking the link, you will be brought to a screen that lets you review individual documents within the procurement or solicitation.
Take Action on the Task After reviewing the documents, return to this screen to take action on the task: Accept, Approve with Conditions, or Not Approve
Approve To approve the solicitation or contract, click the approve button.
Approve with Conditions To approve the solicitation or contract with conditions, type your conditions in the comments box. Then click the approve button.
Not Approve To not approve a solicitation or contract, click the reject button.
Important things to remember The task is accessible by clicking on a button located in the actual , which opens the approval task screen within Internet Explorer. From that screen you can approve, reject, and leave comments. This can be counter-intuitive since opening and approving the task are done in a separate windows. The contract specialist can monitor the workflows, locate where the document is sitting, and override the process if necessary. Always use Internet Explorer as the browser to open and approve tasks. The features of SharePoint do not always function properly in other browsers.