Working With Persons with Developmental Disabilities The Role of the Social Educator
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Who we are? International Association to strengthen the profession of social educators We are professionals who provide direct care and support for people in need Founded in 1951 in Freiburg i.Br. (Black Forest) AIEJI has now active members in Europe, North and South America, Israel, Palestine, Russia: Associations, Universities, Institutions, individual members
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Professional competences 2005: Ethical Guidelines 2009: The professional competences of social educators – a conceptual framework 2010: Working With Persons with Developmental Disabilities - the Role of the Social Educator 2012: Working with children and young people (forthcoming)
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Self Determination To decide where I live what I eat what I do
Ensact Conference 12/4/ UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is an international human rights instrument of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the Convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that they enjoy full equality under the law. The text was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 December 2006 and opened for signature on 30 March Following ratification by the 20th party, it came into force on 3 May 2008
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Elling (2001)
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Self-Determination for people with disabilities (K. E. Ellingsen, Keynote at the AIEJI World Congress Copenhagen May 2009) No one doubts that greater personal autonomy, self- determination is important. But it is essential to remember that most of us have also received support in learning how to make choices, what to consider, and to weigh alternatives and possible consequences. Persons who have been controlled by others up through adult life, and been excluded from ordinary life experiences, often simply do not know how to make decisions.
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Balance between Safety, Control, Danger, Freedom (K. E. Ellingsen 2009)
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Working with Persons with Developmental Disabilities – the role of the social educator Chapter 1: Ethical values and principles Chapter 2: Focus on some central issues Chapter 3: Inclusion and citizenship Chapter 4: Consequences of the principles for social education Chapter 5: The responsibility of the social educators and their organisations
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Bologna September 2010
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Chapter 1: Ethical values and principles Freedom and self-determination Justice and non-discrimination Dignity and Integrity Empathy
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Chapter 2: Focus on some central issues The right to a private home Force and coercion
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Chapter 3: Inclusion and citizenship Normalisation and integration: Break from the distinction between we and them (gap between those who can take care of themselves and those who are dependent on support and care. Neutral language: Men and women with different abilities It requires real possibilities to realise your rights as a citizen
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Chapter 4: Consequences of the principles for social education Mastering a concept of reflection The asymmetric relation of power
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Chapter 5: The responsibility of the social educators
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Questions for debate What understanding do you have of the ethical values and principles? What is a home? How can we include person with disabilities in education and employment? What is your concept of inclusion and participation? What is the role of social education and what competences do social educators need?
Ensact Conference 12/4/ Join us in our global network! (Find the document under publications)