Arabia Desert, arid land, Nomadic people called Bedouins Tribes led by elected chiefs (sheikhs) Tribes related by blood or revenge Fierce people, proud, good fighters.
7th century Europe was in a “Dark Ages”. Middle East was the opposite Islam, founded by the Prophet Muhammad. Foreign Influences - economic, social, and religious
Traditionally animistic - spirits existed in nature Mecca was spiritual home Kaaba (cube) square-shaped religious building. Black Stone - people expected to make pilgrimages
Coastal Arabs traded Large influx of Jews Later many Christians avoiding persecution Idea of one God (monotheistic) Christian and Jewish ideas shaped Islamic philosophy
Muhammad Born Mecca around 570, but little is known of early life Parents were not poor Orphaned and adopted by his uncle Learned caravan routes At 25 married wealthy widow, Khadija Very religious - fasted and meditated
At 40 first revelation From God (Allah) through Archangel Gabriel (Jabriel) Muhammad had been chosen Initially unsuccessful - converted his wife, cousin Ali, and Abu Bakr a wealthy businessman Antogonized businessmen who feared a loss of revenue Persecuted the muslims
Hegira (flight) to Yathrib (Medina) to end the local fighting 622 became the start of the Muslim calendar. Medina- theocratic state based on Islamic law Muhammad persecuted the Jews War with the Jews - Mecca surrendered Kaaba cleared of all deities Black Stone spiritual center of faith Attacked Byzantine Empire - in an unsuccessful Jihad (holy war) Conversion by conquest acceptable
Islamic Doctrines “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet” Islam (submission) Muslim (those who submit) Same God as Jews and Christians Muhammad last prophet Adam first prophet Recognized Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Paradise awaits martyrs
Koran -holy book 114 chapters, disorganized 5 duties (Pillars of Islam) a)Total conviction in one God, Allah Muhammad was the prophet b)Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca c)Give generously to the needy. d)Observe Ramadan e)Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)
Required to fight in holy wars No drinking, gambling, wine, pork, idols. Could have many wives (polygamy) Regulated divorce Could not charge interest
Spread of Islam Christianity spread slowly over hundreds of years Islam spread fast from North Africa, to Asia and in Europe.
When Muhammad died there was no successor Leaders elected a caliph First four were elected for life and were friends of Muhammad - they were called “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali They protected Islam and spread it to Syria and Palestine Muslims treated all people fairly and had religious toleration
Ali was elected the fourth caliph (Muhammad’s son-in-law) Conflict with Mu’awiyah, governor of Syria - revenge for the death of Uthman Ali was killed, Mu’awiyah became first ruler of Umayyad dynasty Islam split into two factions
Followers of Ali known as the Shiite “followers of the way” -traditionalists Followers of Mu’awiyah the Sunni descendancy from Muhammad The Umayyad dynasty moved the capital to Damascus A.D. 732 Battle of Tours saved Europe A.D. 750 the Abbasids formed in Persia and the Umayyad dynasty started to collapse
Islamic Life Greatly interested in education Founded a House of Wisdom in Baghdad Location meant wealth from trade Used irrigation and introduced rice to Europe
Women subservient to fathers then husbands, forced to live secluded lives, pray at home, veil their face. al-Razi (Rhazes) wrote on smallpox, measles, and an encyclopedia of medicine also classified chemicals Avicenna wrote the Canon of Medicine They developed optical lenses Added the zero Invented the astrolabe Omar Khayyám wrote Rubiayat