NOTE: Al Islam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba); Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community relayed live all across the globe Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana August 21 st 2015
Summary Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Summary The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the best of the days is Friday. Recite Durood in abundance on this day. One of the great objectives of our Jalsa is to ensure that the love of God and Prophet envelops our heart. When we recite Durood we pray that Prophet's Grandeur is safeguarded and enemies ploys are eliminated. The Promised Messiah (as) said to increase mutual bonds and become one spiritually. Break all cultural barriers. Pray for one another so a great standard can be established. These mutual relations should be solely for sake of Allah. August 21 st 2015
With regards to the importance of Friday Service, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the best of the days is Friday. Call down Allah's blessings upon me in abundance on this day as this is presented to me on this day. In the ahadith it is stated concerning the importance of Jumu'ah that a brief moment arrives during Friday, where any prayer offered by a momin ( righteous person) is accepted. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015 Importance of Friday service (Jumu'ah) If we, during the sermon, or during our worship this day, focus upon reciting Durood, and call down blessings of Allah upon the Holy Prophet ( pbuh) we should be doing it with understanding and perception and knowledge and praying that Allah may establish the faith brought to the world by the Holy Prophet ( pbuh)...and make us among those who partake in the rewards set aside for those of the Holy Prophet's umma who carry out this effort.
One of the great objectives of our Jalsa is to ensure that the love of God and Prophet envelops our heart. When Holy Prophet ( pbuh) is presented this Durood and prayers, we are granted from Prophet our own prayers. When we convene today and pray in this manner, it will draw benevolence of God towards us. We will partake of the blessings by acceptance of the prayer. Conveying Durood upon Holy Prophet (SAW) through his love will help us attain love for God. During Friday Service, afterwards, and during the next 2 days, recite Durood with great attention so that Allah, bestowing His Mercy upon us, may turn back upon our enemies the evil of all their plans that they have put together against us. We can only fulfill this objective when we convey Durood Sharif upon Holy Prophet (pbuh) from bottom of our heart and reform ourselves accordingly. When we recite Durood we pray that Prophet's Grandeur is safeguarded and enemies ploys are eliminated. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
We witness the role model of Holy Prophet (pbuh). Holy Prophet could not bear any difficulties encountered by the believers. We should instil that role model within ourselves. "grievous to him is that you should fall into trouble" (9:128) God has told us to be kind, compassionate to one another. Allah has mentioned the state of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in the Holy Quran: The difficulties of one another should make us restless as per the Role Model of Holy Prophet (pbuh). In the blessed example that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has laid out before us, we see great examples of paying dues of mankind. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Why are those who believe in Promised Messiah (as) not able to comprehend the difficulties of others? One year, the Promised Messiah (as) was very disappointed that his foolowers were not nice to each other and he did not let Jalsa Salana be held for a year. Promised Messiah (as) expected brotherhood, love, compassion from members of his Jama'at. All friends solely for the purpose of progressing should come to this Jalsa. These Jalsas are necessary for progressing spiritually and excelling in faith. Great strides will have be taken to ensure one attracts God's love. One of the objectives of Jalsa is to increase in mutual unity. This is only possible when one makes great sacrifices. We should increase in mutual love We should progress in our education with respect to faith. All friends solely for the purpose of progressing should come to this Jalsa. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
This is not an ordinary convention. Our focus should be upon hearing religious teachings. We should not waste our time by engaging in meaningless discussions or walking around the stalls. Instead of wasting time, try to increase in religious knowledge. We have to fulfill the conditions of this convention. Objectives of Jalsa Try to remember the favors of Allah and how God is fulfilling the promises he made with Promised Messiah (as). How God has caused this message to reach the corners of the earth. Pray for the martyrs of this Jama'at. May Allah safeguard the Jama'at from all ploys of the enemies. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Meet one another. Many new converts testify that when they met Ahmadis from different countries, they see great love. Pay attention to the Jalsa programs in a manner that we have to obey afterwards. Attentively listen to the speeches, don't display laziness. All of us should strive to find the other spiritual benefits of this Jalsa. Pray for one another so a great standard can be established. These mutual relations should be solely for sake of Allah. The Promised Messiah (as) said to increase your mutual bonds and become one spiritually. Break all cultural barriers. Objectives of Jalsa Those who do not listen attentively to the speeches, it will not benefit you. Listen with intention of not only learning but also obeying, progressing in faith and make it beneficial for yourself. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Do not merely pay attention to the style of delivery but focus upon the essence, the core of what is being delivered. What is the point of spending great amount when people fail to pay heed to the essence. Respect the workers and obey them. The volunteers are here to help you. Whether the guidance is related to seating arrangement or food, obey them. Traffic delays cause delay in Jalsa programs. Obey the security personnel, and remain vigilant. Objectives of Jalsa May Allah enable all the participants to benefit from this Jalsa. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Mukarram Ikhramullah Sahib Shaheed On July 11, 2015, some individuals attacked the mosque there and he was investigating, he was receiving threats. He leaves behind 2 children, daughter (4 years), son (2 years). His children are Waqf-e-Nau. May Allah elevate his station and grant patience to his family. Ameen. His wife states that he saw the Promised Messiah (as) in his dream and he said to come without hesitation. The assailants proudly proclaimed they killed a disbeliever as they drove away. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
He accepted Ahmadiyyat in his youth and carried out services for the Jama'at. He was the only Ahmadi in his village. He did M.A. in Philosophy. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih II (ra) accepted his life devotion. He taught various subjects in college. He served as private secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III (rh). He was a Professor of English at Jamia as well. Professor Muhammad Ali Sahib, passed away on August 14, Hazrat Khalifatul- Masih II (ra) stated that Muhammad Ali Sahib was from Jalandar, and Ch. Muhammad Ali Sahib is from Jalandar. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali Sahib was granted the ability to translate far more than the other Muhammad Ali Sahib. He paid dues of the translations. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Muhammad Ali sb Mujeeb ur Rahman Advocate stated that Chaudhry sb. was a great lover of Khilafat. Everyone would be greatly impacted by his love for Khilafat. Professor Muhammad Ali Sahib Even on the 13th of August, a before his death he kept working in the office. He suffered a heart attack. He leaves behind two sisters and two brothers. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015
Dr. Noori Sahib states that even after heart attack a long time ago, he had a smile on his face & would remember God. He would always pray that may Allah enable him to fulfill his duties that were given to him by Khalifa of the time. He had great love for each and every Khalifa. A true Ahmadi loves all Khulafa. His only purpose was to be dedicated to Khilafat. May Allah continue to grant the Jama'at such dedicated and loyal individuals. He told one of them that you can be visited at any time by some members of the Jama'at, so never show any form of laziness or fatigue. Many will try to recognize your weaknesses. Accept them. If someone raises an objection at the Jama'at or Khilafat, do not tolerate them at all. His students testify that Muhammad Ali Sahib taught them proper conduct. Jumu'ah and Jalsa Salana Importance of Jumu'ah Objectives of Jalsa Obedience Respect Funeral Prayers August 21 st 2015