The First Four Caliphs Cornell Notes
First Four Caliphs Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali
Muhammad’s Death Died in 632 was 63 years old Buried at the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina Did not choose a successor
What happened as a result of Muhammad not choosing a successor?
What happened… Many people panicked followers held a meeting to decide who would become “caliph” Caliph=successor, leader of Muslim community Abu Bakr was chosen But a small group wanted Ali
Who was Abu Bakr (A.D )? ڰابو بكر الصديق Close friend, early believer, Muhammad’s father-in-law Challenges False prophets Parts of the empire began to break away Successes Reunited and expanded the empire Restored calm to the empire
Umar (A.D ) عمر بن الخطاب Initially resistant to Islam, later became a close friend of Muhammad Challenges Organizing the expanding empire used tax money to pay for police, army, education, Prophet’s family, orphans etc. Successes Continued expansion of the Empire Arabia, Iraq, western Persia, Syria, Palestine, northern Egypt, and Part of North Africa
Uthman (A.D ) عثمان wealthy merchant and Muhammad’s son-in- law Challenges big gap between rich and poor favoritism Successes Organized writing of the Qur’an Continued to expand the Empire killed by a group of angry Egyptian protesters
Ali’s Caliphate and the Division Between Sunnis and Shi’as
Clan Rivalries Umayyad Clan Hashim Clan Uthman Mu’awiya Ali
Civil War Between Muslims Mu’awiya vs. Ali Mu’awiya vs. Ali negotiators decided both men should resign negotiators decided both men should resign both continued ruling as caliph anyways both continued ruling as caliph anyways Mu’awiya rules over Syria and Egypt Mu’awiya rules over Syria and Egypt Ali rules over Persia Ali rules over Persia
Mu’awiya Ali
Civil War Between Muslims Mu’awiya vs. Ali negotiators decided both men should resign both continue ruling as caliph anyways Mu’awiya rules over Syria and Egypt Ali rules over Persia rebel tribe tried to kill both guys Mu’awiya gets away Ali is assassinated A Pivotal Point in Muslim History
A Pivotal Point in Muslim History disagreements over caliphs created the split between Sunni Muslims and Shi’a Muslims
Sunni any religious Muslim can be leader any religious Muslim can be leader supported rule of first four caliphs supported rule of first four caliphs 80% of world Muslim population 80% of world Muslim populationShi’a only relatives of Muhammad can be leaders or Imams only relatives of Muhammad can be leaders or Imams only supported rule of Ali only supported rule of Ali Mostly in Iran Mostly in Iran