Sunni – Shi'a Split Muhammad dies in 632 Dispute over succession – who will be the next leader? What should be the qualifications of the next leader? Most followers wanted the community to determine the next leader – SUNNIS A smaller group wanted someone from Muhammad’s family – Ali – who was married to Muhammad’s daughter (Fatimah) – SHI’AS
Sunni – Shi'a Split cont. Violence broke out Two of the earliest leaders murdered Ali killed in the fighting Violence permanently split the two groups
Sunnis For Sunnis best or most qualified person should be either selected or elected as leader (caliph) leader should act as a protector of the faith but this leader does not enjoy any special religious status or inspiration Today Sunnis make up 85% of Muslims worldwide
Shi’as For Shi’as: leadership should be hereditary (passed down through male descendants of Muhammad’s daughter) leader (imam) is religiously inspired, sinless and the interpreter of God’s will (but not a prophet) Today Shias make up 15% of Muslims worldwide
Political Power Both groups now fighting against each other for power in the Middle East – causing further conflict Please read and take notes on Sunnis and Shias: Islam’s ancient schism On a sheet of paper (1 per group) answer the 4 questions from the article.