How do we define the personality traits of a hero? Loyal Accepts the call (source- Wiki spaces) Overcomes peril Courage Sacrifice
How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Antagonist in Bethany Hamilton's case is the shark. She went out surfing one day and the shark attacked her and took of her arm. She, even though she lost an arm, continued to surf. She showed courage and determination. “Bethany’s story has been told in hundreds of media outlets and she has been recognized with numerous awards, public appearances, and various speaking engagements” ("Bethany Hamilton – Soul Surfer”). She is thought out to millions to be an inspiring person who has the determination to do what she believes and she continues to inspire many around the world to not give up.
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? Now there is a such thing called the Paralympics. The Paralympics are elite sport events for athletes with a disability. “Second largest sporting event in the world today” ("History of the Paralympics"). “Paralympics are held for people with visual impairments, persons with physical disabilities, amputee athletes, persons with cerebral palsy, and people with spinal cord problems” ("History of the Paralympics"). A lot of people participate in the Paralympics today.
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Its very common to hear about cases where people are losing body parts. Not a whole lot of people are able to push themselves to do what they believe in. In this time period heroes are rewarded and they are praised for there excellence. Bethany Hamilton won and award for “Comeback Athlete of the Year” ("Bethany Hamilton – Soul Surfer”) In this time period people get rewarded for the good things they and there inspiring actions.
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Many heroes today are rewarded with an award. They usually broadcast them and make it known what they did and reward them with a prize. Bethany was rewarded “Most inspiring Person of the Year” ("Bethany Hamilton – Soul Surfer”) She has been published in many magazines and as made several TV program appearances. She has also made many appearance in church/event appearances. ("Bethany Hamilton – Soul Surfer”)
How does my hero relate to my hero from my book? Katie- was born without a fibula in her right leg, when she was 20 months old her right foot was amputated. She played basketball and volleyball and competed in the state playoffs in high school for basketball. “Colleges didn’t know she was wearing a prosthetic leg” ("Katie Holloway | Athletes | USA Volleyball."). she continued to play the sports she loves Bethany- lost her arm in a shark attack at age 13 on October 31,2003. “Attacked by a 14 foot tiger shark” ( She also continued to do what she loves and surf even though she was at a disadvantage.
How does my hero inspire others? Bethany used her experience and inspired people around the world. She travels to other countries as a motivational speaker to encourage them to conquer hardships and to follow their own dreams (Hamilton). Today she is a role model to many people because of what she did. She goes all over the world just to tell her story and inspire many people to just believe in themselves. She has become an inspiration through her story of faith in god, determination, and hope ("Bethany Hamilton: Inspiring others to dream.") Bethany Hamilton is involved with the MakeAWish foundation and helped a girl suffering with leukemia, her dream was to surf and her teacher was Bethany Hamilton ("Bethany Hamilton: Inspiring others to dream.") Hamilton constantly inspires others and teaching them to overcome any difficulties they may face. She continues to make peoples dreams come true.
How did my hero push herself to keep going? She stuck with what she believed in and she never gave up. She loves to surf and it was her life long dream to go pro, so she had the motivation to keep herself going and to not let go of her dreams She believed in God and thought that god has a purpose for everything and so she knew that something good was to come out of all of this so she kept her faith through god throughout the whole process ("Bethany Hamilton - Bethany's Story“). She found her purpose which was to inspire others around the world to push themselves and never give up.
What type of hero is Bethany Hamilton? She showed courage and dedication and didn’t give up. Just ten weeks after the accident she went back into the ocean to relearn how to surf (Hamilton). Her dream was never lost because she had the determination to pick herself up and ride the wave. She never lost her courage and faith during her time of recovery. She used all her strength to get back up on the board even when she failed she kept going. This shows that she has the willpower to overcome obstacles in life and to not just give up. She used her faith in God to keep herself going (Hamilton)
How has society helped them to become a hero? Now there is a league called the Paralympics so those who are at a disadvantage can keep doing what they love. “The Paralympics is the second largest sporting event in the world” ("History of the Paralympics“). Without computers and TV and video cameras, Bethany would have never been able to share her story and thrive to inspire others around the world. I believe that no matter the publicity she is a hero but she wouldn’t have been able to get her story across without our technology today.