Todays Resources located on Log on the holler. If you have not done so, join the holler and create a user name and password. 2.From the home page locate the horizontal listing of options (directly below your name). 3.Click on RESOURCES. 4.Locate and click on the ISLN folder. 5.Click on the November, 2014 folder to find all of the tool and resources used in today’s presentation. Next ISLN Meeting: JANUARY 29, 2015 at HCTC
Feedback on Standards Requested To provide feedback on the draft Social Studies Standards, please use this link: To provide feedback on the Arts Standards, you may select to review the standards for only one of the ‘forms’ -- or all of them. The links are listed below. For Visual Arts: For Music: For Theatre: For Media Arts: For Dance: December 5 th, 2014
November 2014 ISLN Building capacity for instructional leadership in the KVEC region
Four Pillars of ISLN and TLN Meetings Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning/KY Framework for Teaching Assessment Literacy Leadership What is your role in building capacity ? Are your building INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY or building partnerships to support capacity for all stakeholders?
The Missing Link in School Reform Using The Last Word Protocol
The Missing Link in School Reform HUMAN CAPITAL abilities, knowledge and skills developed through formal education and on- the-job experience SOCIAL CAPITAL the relationships among teachers that promote a teacher’s growth and improvement INCREASED STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT
Study in NYC public schools: ,000 4 th and 5 th grade teachers in 130 elem. schools Corrected for poverty, attendance & special education status Focus on math (research shocking) Teachers 2x more likely to ask peers for help than experts & 4x more likely to ask peers than principal Teachers who reported frequent conversations w/peers re: math instruction & where there was trust among teachers – the students had higher gains in math achievement. So, social capital was a significant predictor of achievement gains above and beyond teacher experience or ability.
Peer Observation How could Peer Observation increase Social Capital ? What would definitely have to happen for Peer Observation to increase Social Capital?
Peer Observation & Increased Social Capital RELATIONSHIPS ON-GOING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING CAPACITY BUILDING Where are we in implementation of Peer Observation with fidelity?
Where do we want to be? Purpose of Peer Observations What is the purpose of a Peer Observation in a Professional Community of Practice?
Directions for Peer Observation Self- Assessment Each table has a set of directions.
Peer Observation Do the structures in your district CEP for Peer Observation allow teachers to build relationships ? If so, provide evidence. If not, what could be done to support building relationships?
Peer Observation Do the structures in your district CEP for Peer Observation support on-going professional learning ? If so, provide evidence. If not, what could be done to support on-going professional learning?
Peer Observation How can Peer Observation capacity be increased in your district? What is your role in increasing that capacity? (Refer to Capacity Building vs. Train the Trainer )
Is there a need for Peer Observation support in the KVEC region? Please notate on evaluation form.
Kentucky’s Definition of Professional Learning According to 704 KAR 3:035, Professional learning is a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to increase student achievement that strengthens and improves educators’ effectiveness in meeting individual, team, school, school district, and state goals. It is ongoing, relevant, job-embedded learning for educators at all stages of career development.704 KAR 3:035
Kentucky’s Professional Learning Standards Guidance What is effective professional learning? How does professional learning differ from professional development? Why is professional learning essential for Teacher and Leader Effectiveness?
Seven Steps of Professional Needs As you begin to think about your district’s professional learning plan, utilize these seven steps.
KDE Link for Professional Learning
Rethinking Classroom Observation Is observation a professional learning experience in your district OR is it professional development? How could increased capacity in your district around observation be built?
Building Capacity in our District Asset Inventory & Analysis
Student Voice How could Student Voice results be used as a professional learning opportunity? How could Student Voice results be used to increase Social Capital in your district/school? What structures are in place to review Student Voice results? What is the expectation of Student Voice review/usage in your district?
Jeff Coles Student Voice Lead from KDE
Please Complete the Evaluation Form THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015