MySQL Quick Guide
Start and End MySQL MySQL is installed as a service. To start MySQL: –Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services/MySQL/ start MySQL Administrator MySQL Query Browser MySQL Command Line Client To stop MySQL: –Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services/MySQL/ Stop; Or –MySQL Administrator/Services Control/Stop
Creating and Use a Database CREATE DATABASE mydb; USE mydb
Show SHOW DATABASES –Show all databases SHOW TABLES –List all tables in the default database SHOW COLUMNS FROM tableName –List all columns in a given table.
Editing SQL Commands MySQL stores the most recent command. We can edit the command as follow: –Use the Up, Down arrow key to select and correct the command, then press Enter.
Creating Command Files Use a text editor to create a file with SQL commands and save it with extension.txt To run the command file: –SOURCE commandFileName.txt Ex: mysql> source c:\MySQLCommand.txt
MySQL Query Browser Schemata –Select a database schema to be the default database To create/delete a schema: –Point to any schema and right click, then choose create/delete schema To create a new script: –File/New Script Tab To open a script: –File/New Script
SQL Server Quick Guide
To Start/End SQL Server To start SQL Server service:SQL Server Configuration manager –All programs/MS SQL Server/Configuration tools/SQL Sever Configuration Manager/SQL Server 2005 Services/SQL Server Login to the server: –All programs/MS SQL Server/SQL Server Management Studio Express
Management Studio Express Object Explorer –Databases System databases To create a new database: –Point to the Databases folder icon and right click, then choose New database Tool Bar: –New Query –Available databases drop-down list