Rivers and Deltas Jeishla Lopez
Features and characteristics of this landform. A delta is the opening where a river forks off into smaller streams, emptying into a larger body of water. Deltas are at the mouth of large river systems that carry large quantities of clastic sediments. If a river dries up it leaves a V-shape landform.
How is the landform is formed ? A delta is formed when water flows from a river into an ocean, the water velocity slows down. One of the sources of water that replenish the rivers is either the melting snow or the rainwater, this process is known as the precipitation.
Famous Deltas and rivers Rio Grande in the USA – 5 th largest river of north America and the 20 th longest in the world.
Summary Deltas and rivers are landforms of water. Deltas are at the mouth of the rivers and empty into large bodies of water. When rivers end up drying up they turn into v-shaped landforms. The water source in rivers are from rain and melting snow, which is precipitation.