¿Por qué español?
The Spanish language covers the world! Spanish is the 3 rd most spoken language in the world.
Map of the Spanish - speaking World
Society & Culture French is considered the 2 nd most influential language in the world. France has consistently been the #1 tourist destination in the world. (79 million visitors in 2007). 21 nations use Spanish as their primary language.
*Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. *understanding Spanish is a stepping stone To other Romance languages.
Society & Culture *More than 20 Nobel prizes have been awarded to Hispanic and Spanish recipients in literature, science, and efforts in peace. *Spanish is the unofficial second language of the united states and more than 47 million people speak it.
Knowing Spanish will… *Allow you to compete effectively in the global economy. *Increase your job opportunities and salary potential.
Knowing Spanish Will… Significantly improve your chances of being accepted to university and graduate school. Improve your intellectual skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Improve self-reliance skills and enhance your pro-activity.
¡Qué deliciosa !
La música latina
¡el fútbol!
Speaking Spanish won't give you a headache or make your eyes tear. Your parents won’t yell at you and tell you to stop speaking SPanish. You can’t ever beat Spanish! It’s cheaper and you don’t have to stand in line to speak spanish. Your thumbs won’t hurt after speaking spanish. Reasons why Spanish is better than everything … even videogames!
Flowers of the Caribbean
SPANISH PROGRAM - Satz Middle School & Holmdel HS Trips to Spain during the spring break to experience the language and culture (every few years) Spanish Honor Society Teachers: SEVEN SPANISH teachers BETWEEN BOTH SCHOOLS. Sequential program which culminates with AP sPANISH. High Spanish AP success rate.
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