Men’s Health Policy and the European Commission Erick Savoye Director European Men’s Health Forum Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland.


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Presentation transcript:

Men’s Health Policy and the European Commission Erick Savoye Director European Men’s Health Forum Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel

2 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel Growing recognition of men’s health International men’s health associative movement Health Professionals –UEMO, WONCA, EFN, EAU –Professional press Public awareness –IMHW –Media coverage

3 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel The European Men’s Health Forum Network coordination / policy influencing Main partners –Commission (DG Sanco, DG EMPL) –European Parliament –Permanent representations –Health-related umbrella organisations –Network members a national level

4 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel Our EU policy objectives To raise awareness with EU stakeholders To promote considerations for men’s health in EU policy debates To foster Community investment in research, information, promotion and prevention projects To provide policy support to national partners in their own mission to improve men’s health

5 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel EU public health policy and gender Gender mainstreaming at the highest level –Gender mainstreaming (Beijing,1995) –UN, UNESCO, World Bank … WHO –Dept Gender, Women and Health –Madrid Declaration (1995) –Intl. Gender & Health Conference (2003) EU –Amsterdam Treaty, 1997 –Gender Impact Assessment tool

6 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel … bringing men’s health into the debate Gender or women? Gender mainstreaming in relation to health still conceptual: equality vs. equity Assessing the impact on men of this approach remains problematic Political correctness: women’s right issues

7 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel Working with EU institutions Limited institutional knowledge about men’s health issues EMHF grass root representation? The constraints of the principle of subsidiarity for policy priorities Country and European level infrastructure required to make effective policy contributions Fighting the stigma of industry funding (transparency, independence)

8 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel Key achievements Launch first European report Byrne reflection process European Health Forum Gastein Gender in Community Action Plan Commission official recognition of EMHF as a key partner Key Commission stakeholders to include gender in their policy contributions (e.g. EPF)

9 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel The Vienna Declaration Recognise men’s health as a distinct and important issue Develop a better understanding of men’s attitudes to health Invest in ‘male sensitive’ approaches to providing healthcare Initiate work on health for boys and young men in school and community settings Develop co-ordinated health and social policies that promote men’s health. We the undersigned … call on the EU, national governments, providers of health services and other relevant bodies to: Declaration for the health of men and boys in Europe EMHF conference, Vienna - Oct 2005

10 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel A great support … and growing DG Sanco Commissioner Kyprianou Department of Health England Many international associations of health professionals and patient advocates National agencies and organisations 100s of individuals Across Europe and internationally

11 Men’s health is everything Men’s Health Forum Scotland National Conference 19 Sep 2006, Hilton Glasgow Hotel Pursuing our focus Maximising the benefits of the Declaration New European partnerships and political alliances EU Presidencies: Finland, Portugal Closer work with the Commission through the EU Health Policy Forum Generating clear benefits from policy involvement for members and partners at national and local levels