Issues in Redistricting Reform
Prop. 11 and Minority Communities Watts was split by incumbents into 3 districts at the Senate and Congressional levels. Why reform redistricting? To Give Communities a Voice Page 1
Prop. 11 and Minority Communities 2001 Congressional Gerrymander Split Latino Community in LA’s San Fernando Valley to protect incumbent from Latino challenger 1991 Congressional Districts 2001 Congressional Districts Why reform redistricting? To End Racial Gerrymanders 1990 CD 26 Drawn by Courts held 2001 CD 26 Drawn by Incumbent cut Latino community togetherout Latino community 1991 Congressional Districts 2001 Congressional Districts Page 2
It ends the secret deals by incumbents to gerrymander our state’s districts. All meetings must be public. It prioritizes the Voting Rights Act and keeping communities, cities and counties whole over incumbent protection. It creates a Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw the districts based on input from Californians. How Does Prop 11 address gerrymandering? Page 3
Citizens Redistricting Commission The commission will be formed by January 1, Currently, the pool has been narrowed to 120 applicants. The racial, gender and geographic diversity of the applicants is close to the state’s population, as required by Prop. 11: 30% of Latino heritage 14% Asian / Pacific Islander 12% African American 5% American Indian 47% Women Dilemma: How do you produce diversity given today’s Supreme Court strict scrutiny of such mandates? Page 4
Dilemmas faced by reformers How should the Commission be chosen? By the legislature or a body of electeds? By some other body, like judges? Randomly? Prop. 11 created a hybrid process What rules should the commission follow in drawing maps? Should competitive districts be mandated? Prop 11 does not require competitive districts. Do you preference counties, cities or communities? Prop 11 put all three on the same level. Page 5