British Film and Comedy
Learning Objectives - Re-cap the exam requirements for this section - Develop understanding of film genre - Develop understanding of the characteristics of British (and US) comedy Learning Objectives - Re-cap the exam requirements for this section - Develop understanding of film genre - Develop understanding of the characteristics of British (and US) comedy
FM2 Section B: British Film and Comedy Genre 20% of AS (10% of A2) 20% of AS (10% of A2) Assessed by exam: Assessed by exam: – Approx. 50 minutes to answer – Choice of 2 questions
We only have 7 weeks for this module Week 1: Exploring film genre and nature of British (and US) comedy Week 1: Exploring film genre and nature of British (and US) comedy Week 2: Exploring macro (and micro) aspects of film, focusing on narrative and representation Week 2: Exploring macro (and micro) aspects of film, focusing on narrative and representation Weeks 3 & 4: Studying Hot Fuzz and Brassed Off (after school showing) and film of your choice in groups (to be presented to class) Weeks 3 & 4: Studying Hot Fuzz and Brassed Off (after school showing) and film of your choice in groups (to be presented to class) Weeks 5 & 6: Studying Four Weddings and a Funeral, present film of your choice to class, exam revision Weeks 5 & 6: Studying Four Weddings and a Funeral, present film of your choice to class, exam revision Week 7: Case study films comparison and mock exam Week 7: Case study films comparison and mock exam
What is Comedy? The ability or quality of people, objects or situations to create feelings of amusement in other people The ability or quality of people, objects or situations to create feelings of amusement in other people
Starter task 1. In pairs label yourselves A and B 2. Take it in turns to read each joke from the envelope to your partner 3. Write the name of the joke you found funniest on the post-it note and stick it on the board
Starter task 1. In turns, read the following jokes to the class 2. Think about which is your favourite joke and why
“Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: "OK, now what?"
When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn't lift himself up. He pushes the world down.
Mother Superior and a nun are driving along a country lane at night in the rain. Suddenly the devil appears from the darkness, eyes aflame, blocking their way. Mother superior says to the nun, "quick, show him your cross" So the nun winds down the window and yells "get out the way, you ugly bastard"
How do you make a cat drink? Easy! Use a liquidizer!
There was a student taking a final exam in a very large lecture class. The professor called time, and said that everyone must stop writing or their exam would not be accepted. One student continued to write furiously until all the other papers had been collected. Going down to the professor, he attempted to turn in the exam. The professor says, "I saw you writing after time was called, and I'm not accepting your paper." "Do you know who I am?", says the student. "No, and it doesn't matter." "Good." The student then stuffs his exam into the middle of the stack and walks off.
1st Eskimo: Where did your mother come from? 2nd Eskimo: Alaska 1st Eskimo: Don't bother, I'll ask her myself!
A man walks into a doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear. "What's the matter with me?" he asks the doctor. The doctor replies, "You're not eating properly." A man walks into a doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear. "What's the matter with me?" he asks the doctor. The doctor replies, "You're not eating properly."
An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: "woman without her man is nothing". The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly. The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing." The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."
Do you notice any similarities between the jokes? Humour is a matter of personal taste – it is subjective Humour is a matter of personal taste – it is subjective Humour is often about the unexpected or unusual, creating surprise: Humour is often about the unexpected or unusual, creating surprise: –Audience expectations are subverted Q: “What do you called a 3 legged donkey? A: “A wonkey”
Film genre re-cap Genre is a way of categorising a type of film Genre is a way of categorising a type of film Task: Task: –Write down a film genre and at least 2 examples of films representing them (e.g. Horror, Scream and A Nightmare on Elm Street) –What features do the films share? Discuss in pairs Genres have certain characteristic features allowing us to tell them apart: Genres have certain characteristic features allowing us to tell them apart: –Iconography: the things you expect to see and hear –Some genres are less easy to classify then others Sub-genres: genres within genres Sub-genres: genres within genres Hybrid genres: mixing genres, sometimes to create a new genre: Hybrid genres: mixing genres, sometimes to create a new genre: – e.g. Scream, mix of “teenpic” with “slasher” to create “teen horror”
Types of humour Irony - the way of speaking that shows you are joking or that you mean the opposite of what you say. Irony - the way of speaking that shows you are joking or that you mean the opposite of what you say. Self-deprecatory – Humour at the expense of yourself Self-deprecatory – Humour at the expense of yourself Schadenfreude – laughing at someone else’s (unexpected) misfortune (means “shameful joy”) Schadenfreude – laughing at someone else’s (unexpected) misfortune (means “shameful joy”) Slapstick - comedy based on simple jokes, e.g. people falling over or hitting each other. Slapstick - comedy based on simple jokes, e.g. people falling over or hitting each other. Black humour - humour dealing with the unpleasant or dark side of life (e.g. death, people's problems) Things you can’t change Black humour - humour dealing with the unpleasant or dark side of life (e.g. death, people's problems) Things you can’t change Observational humour – humour created out of realistic situations. Observational humour – humour created out of realistic situations.
Humour (cont’d) Satire - the use of humour to attack a person, an idea or behaviour that you think is bad or foolish. Satire - the use of humour to attack a person, an idea or behaviour that you think is bad or foolish. Farce – an exaggerated situation that turns into an embarrassing one. Farce – an exaggerated situation that turns into an embarrassing one. Sarcasm - the mocking of a person, situation or thing Sarcasm - the mocking of a person, situation or thing Inter-textuality – when one media text cross references another for humorous effect. Inter-textuality – when one media text cross references another for humorous effect. Parody – imitation of an original work, often to mock or satirize, for comical effect (commonly to dispute original work) Parody – imitation of an original work, often to mock or satirize, for comical effect (commonly to dispute original work) Comedy of manners – satirizing the manners of a social class Comedy of manners – satirizing the manners of a social class
Task Answer these questions for the following comedy clips we are about to watch: Answer these questions for the following comedy clips we are about to watch: –What type of humour (e.g. satire) do you think is being used? –Do you think the humour is effective? –Why (not)?
Thinking about the clips we have seen and other comedy you have seen before: - What characterises British comedy? - Does it differ to US comedy? How? - What does this say about British and the US (and perceptions of them)?
What characterises US comedy (and what does it say about the US)? Less irony? Less irony? More emotional? More emotional? More witty? More witty? More “in-jokes” – sharp talking, confident tone? More “in-jokes” – sharp talking, confident tone? Conforming to or challenging stereotypes about the US? Conforming to or challenging stereotypes about the US?
Conclusion Comedy is one of many different film genres Comedy is one of many different film genres –It can be defined as the ability to create feelings of amusement in others and is subjective There are many different types of comedy (e.g. satire, slapstick) but: There are many different types of comedy (e.g. satire, slapstick) but: –It is often about the unexpected or unusual, creating surprise It can be argued that certain British comedy has certain identifiable characteristics It can be argued that certain British comedy has certain identifiable characteristics
Homework (for next lesson) Write 1 side of A4 about your favourite (British or non-British) film comedy: Write 1 side of A4 about your favourite (British or non-British) film comedy: –What characterises it? –What type(s) of humour does it use? –What other comedy is it similar to?