European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH “YOUTH-PASS” Development and implementation of validation instruments for the different Actions of YOUTH 17 January 2005 SALTO Training and Cooperation RC
Aim Development and implementation of a special European level validation instrument for YOUTH as a package of different instruments for the Actions 1, 2, 3 and 5 (“YOUTH-PASS”) and with this fostering of the recognition of non-formal learning within the YOUTH Programme Instruments should be developed in a way that takes full account of three essential elements involved: the employability of young people and youth workers; the reflection upon the personal non-formal learning process; the social recognition of youth work; SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
Objective 1 Development of (a) qualified certificate(s) for all Actions, which confirm(s) the participation in an approved project and describe(s) the learning outcome in general. The certificate should include data of different actors and projects, aims and objectives of the YOUTH Programme and – if necessary – other detailed Action relevant aims and objectives to be achieved by this project. This is planned to be used in short term and long term projects. SALTO Training and Cooperation RC Aim: Development of a special European level validation instrument for YOUTH (YOUTH-PASS)
Objective 2 Development of additional self-assessment instruments for approved long-term projects within relevant Actions as an annex to the certificate(s) mentioned above. The instruments should be developed from the user´s perspective, should document the learning process, and should raise awareness that competencies and skills were strengthened during the project. Probably, the self-assessment instruments can be used later for short-term projects as well, depending on the experience made during the work plan period. SALTO Training and Cooperation RC Aim: Development of a special European level validation instrument for YOUTH (YOUTH-PASS)
Perspectives In the long term, YOUTH-PASS should be integrated in / linked with other European level initiatives, such as: EUROPASS and / or initiatives and programmes within other EU programmes within the context of Active Citizenship SALTO Training and Cooperation RC Aim: Development of a special European level validation instrument for YOUTH (YOUTH-PASS)
Starting point Actions to achieve aim and objectives of YOUTH-PASS should be based on the ”Common European principles regarding identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning”, developed within “Working Group H” and adopted by a Council conclusion. 1. Individual entitlements 2. Obligations of stakeholders 3. Confidence and trust 4. Credibility and legitimacy SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
5 elements should translate these aim and objectives into action. 1. Certificate(s) and self-assessment instrument(s) 2. Training for NA staff to motivate and train national multipliers 3. Procedures for implementation within the YOUTH Programme 4. Information material for a wider audience (User´s Guide etc.) 5. Technical support (Youthlink, Symmetry etc) SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
10 steps should guarantee a suitable work flow to implement the mentioned instruments within the different Actions. Due to existing resources and procedures, not all steps can be and need to be considered for all Actions and both instruments, nor will all of them start at the same time. 1. Assessment of existing instruments and resources 2. Development of instruments 3. Test phases with 3 NAs per Action 4. Evaluation of the test phases SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
5. Re-design of the instruments 6. Final approval by the Commission 7. Implementation of the instruments in all NAs 8. Assessment and evaluation 9. Recommendations for “Youth in Action” 10. Implementation in the new programme SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
Draft time schedule to develop the implementation strategy SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
An “Advisory group” will be established and should: n support the development of the instruments and monitor their implementation and further adjustment n consist of experts from different fields n be balanced in terms of region, gender and size of the country, where the members are coming from n have suitable resources to meet 4-5 times during n have suitable resources to set up smaller work groups to develop and adjust the needed instruments SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
Role of SALTO Training and Cooperation RC: n Communication between the different actors in YOUTH n Installing and managing the advisory group n Organising the development of validation instruments and administrative procedures together with experts and practitioners n Organising of test- and pilot-phases n Developing and implementing training models for the users n Publishing tools and (a) user´s guide(s) SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH
Questions for putting the project in concrete terms: n Is anything missing? Do you have any further ideas? n Which elements are absolutely essential for a project like this? n Relevance of “common principles” the for validation of NFL? n How could national experience be taken into account? n What needs to be done to involve NAs adequately? n Who else needs to be involved? n Do you see any possibility to support the project? n Is there anything you see, the project can profit from? SALTO Training and Cooperation RC European strategy on validation and recognition of non-formal learning within the context of YOUTH