Hungarian Partnership Agreement Márton Péti PA chief planner, Head of Dept. at Office for National Economic Planning – ONEP Visegrad Conference, 17th June.


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Presentation transcript:

Hungarian Partnership Agreement Márton Péti PA chief planner, Head of Dept. at Office for National Economic Planning – ONEP Visegrad Conference, 17th June 2014

HU PA’s Position in planning structure NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT (NDTC) Partnership Agreement EUROPE 2020 OP1RPOPnOP2 Some of the main messages of NDTC: achieving long lasting economic growth (=> allocating 60% of the resources on for direct economic development) towards full employment (raising employment is a main tool for social inclusion) reducing energy dependency tackling demographic change (enhancing population growth) enhancing local economical structures and re-organising territorial development (in NUTS3 level counties instead of in artificial NUTS2 regions)

Process of planning for HU PA May 2013 First drafts maternity check starting informal negotiations officially Official submission starting formal negotiations October 2012 February 2014 (7 March) September 2014July 2014 Second official submission Closing negotiations

The formal observations consist of 102 remarks on 22 pages. Cca. 30% of them are crucial, others technical Cca. 50% of them are acceptable without further negotiations Some critical issues at the moment: – Allocating resources (infrastructure vs. economic development) – financing roads independently form the TEN-T network – dealing with the investments in capital region – capability and efficiency of the new institutional setup – Using less TA than in the former programming period – justifying and focusing non refundable SME subsidies – financing full range of food industry from SF as well – financing tourism similarly to the former period (COM does not want it) COM’s formal observations on HU PA

Fulfilment of ex ante conditionalities After assessment out of 29 thematic ex ante conditionalities 25 are applicable for Hungary. Further all (7) general ex ante conditionalities and (3) EAFRD specific ex ante conditionalities are applicable. According to the programmes, the following thematic ex ante conditionalities are not applicable: 4.2. Actions have been carried out to promote high-efficiency co-generation of heat and power; 7.4 Development of smart energy distribution, storage and transmission systems; 8.3. Labour market institutions are modernised and strengthened in the light of the Employment Guidelines; 8.4. Active and healthy ageing. The Commission agrees with Hungary's self-assessment on the fulfilment of 11 ex ante conditionalities, further 12 ex ante conditionalities might be fulfilled after amendments and sending further information to the Commission. According to the summary of the Commission's assessment and consultations in the past few days, Hungary has to provide more information on ex ante conditionalities related to ICT (2.1 and 2.2), risk prevention and risk management (5.1), transport (7.1, 7.2 and 7.3), social inclusion (9.1 and 9.2), health (9.3), education (10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4) and general ex ante conditionalities G1 (Anti-discrimination), G2 (Gender), G3 (Disability) and G4 (Public procurement). Some strategic documents have to be discussed in details, 7 action plans have to be elaborated. Till the end of 2014 Hungary plans to fulfil 19 ex ante conditionalities, based on action plans provided in the self-assessment.

Thank you for your attention!