11 ss{IkvXh PohnXw k`bnepw kaql¯nepw kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS hnizmk ]cnioe\ ]mTmhen c£bpsS ]mXbnÂþ11.


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Presentation transcript:

11 ss{IkvXh PohnXw k`bnepw kaql¯nepw kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS hnizmk ]cnioe\ ]mTmhen c£bpsS ]mXbnÂþ11

DÅS¡w 1.c£-I-\mb Cutim 2.Ncn-{X-]p-cp-j-\mb Cutim 3.Cutim-bpsS hyàn-Xz-¯nsâ khn-ti-j-X-IÄ 4.{InkvXob hyàn-Xz-¯n hf-cm³ 5.{InkvXob hyàn-Xz-¯nsâ khn-ti-j-X-IÄ 6.{InkvXob a\-km£n 7.Pohsâ aqeyhpw al-Xzhpw 8.kvt\ln-¡m\pw Poh³ \ÂIm\pw 9.k¼¯pw kmaq-ln-I-\o-Xnbpw 10.A²zm-\-¯nsâ amlmßyw 11.kmaq-ln-I-Xn³a-IÄs¡-Xnsc {InkvXob {]Xn-_- ²X 12.`qan-bpsS D¸pw temI-¯nsâ {]Im-ihpw

Ncn-{X-]p-cp-j-\mb Cutim A²ymbw c­v

1.I-m-¯ncn-¸n-sâ ]qÀ¯o- IcWw 2.kphn-ti-j-§f-n-se Cutim 3.Ncn-{X-km£y§Ä 4.BZn-a-k-`bpsS hnizm-k-{]- tLm-jWw

I-m-¯ncn-¸n-sâ ]qÀ¯o-IcWw  AZn-am-Xm-]n-Xm-¡-fpsS A[x-]-X-\- ¯n\p tijw AhÀ¡v c£ hmKvZm\w sNbvXp-sIm­v c£-I-s\-¡p-dn-¨pÅ {]Xymi Ah-cn DWÀ¯n.  Ncn-{Xs¯ `mKn-¨-h³ Ncn-{X-¯n-te¡p IS- ¶p-h-cp-¶-Xn\p \qäm-­p-IÄ¡p-apt¼ Ah-s\-¡p- dn¨v temI-¯n\v Adn-hp-In-«n.  C{km-tb P\-X-bpsS Im¯n-cn¸v Cutim- bpsS BK-a-\-¯n ]qÀ¯n-bmbn.

Ncn-{X-km£y§Ä  Ncn-{X-]p-cp-j-\mb Cutim \{k-¯p-Im-c³ F¶ AÀ°-¯n \{km-b³ Cutim F¶m-W-dn-b-s¸- Sp-¶-Xv. 1.tkm{I-«okv  _n.-kn. \memw \qäm-­n Pohn-¨n-cp¶ {Ko¡v XXz-Nn-´-I-\mb tkm{I-«okv C§s\ FgpXn: ""Im¯n-cn-¡p-I, hcm-\n-cn-¡p¶ kmÀÆ-{XnI hnÚm-\osb ]mÀ¯n-cn-¡p-I.- ssZ-h-¯n-sâbpw a\p-jy-cp-sSbpw ap¼msI F§s\ hym]-cn-¡-W-sa¶v At±lw \ap¡v ]d-ªp-X-cpw.

2.blq-Z-]m-c-¼cyw  blq-Z-hw-i-P-\mb \{km-b-¡m-c³ Cutim- bpsS thcp-I  B hwi-¯n¯-s¶-bp-­v. blq-Z-cpsS \nb-a-kw-ln-Xbpw hymJym-\-hp-a-S-§nb {KÙ-amWv XmÂaqZv. AXnsâ ka-Im-eo\ tcJ- bmWv anZvdm-jnw. 3. ^vfmhn-bqkv sPmtk-^qkv  Cutim-bpsS Pohn-X-s¯-¡p-dn¨v hyà-amb sXfn-hp-IÄ \ÂIp-¶-XmWv ^vfmhn-bqkv sPmtk-^qkv F¶ Ncn-{X-Im-csâ {KÙ-§-fnse ]cm-aÀi-§Ä.

4. tdma³ {KÙ-Im-c-·mÀ  {]i-kvX-cmb ]e tdma³ {KÙ-Im-c-·mcpw Cutim-sb-¡p-dn¨v X§-fpsS cN-\-I-fn ]cm- aÀin-¨n-«p-­v. Gjymssa\dnse KhÀ®dmbncp¶ ¹o\n. 5. At¸m-{In-^ {KÙ-§Ä  HutZym-Kn-I-ambn hn.-{K-Ù-¯nse ]pkvX-I-§-fpsS KW-¯nÂs¸-Sp-¯m-¯-h- bmWv At¸m-{In-^ {KÙ-§Ä.

 Cutim-sb-¡p-dn¨v Fgp-X-s¸-«Xpw F¶m k` HutZym-Kn-I-ambn AwKo-I-cn-¡m-¯- Xp-amb {KÙ-§-fm-Wn-h.  tXm-am-bpsS \S-]-Sn-IÄ, "sl{_m-bpS kphn- ti-jw, "\{km-b-cpsS kphn-ti-jw, "]t{Xm-knsâ kphn-t-ijw' "bmt¡m-_nsâ t{]mt¯m Fhm³tK- enbpw' F¶nh DZm-l-c-W-§-fm-Wv.

kphn-ti-j-§f-n-se Cutim  Cutim-sb-¡p-dn¨v Fgp-X-s¸« {KÙ-§-fmWv \mep kphn-ti-j-§fpw. Ahn-Sps¯ Pohn-X-¯nsâ angn-hmÀ¶ Nn{X-§-fmWv kphn-ti-j-§Ä hc- ¨p-Im-«p-¶Xv Cutimsb t\cn I­pw tI«pw A\p- `-hn¨pw Adnª kphn-ti-j-I·mÀ \ÂIp¶ hnh-c-W- ¯n\v {]tXy-I-amb {]m[m-\y-am-Wp-Å-Xv. kphn-ti-j-§-fn ]cm-aÀin-¨n-«pÅ Ncn-{X- _-Ôn-X-amb kw`-h-§fpw hyàn-Ifpw Øe-§fpw Cutim-bpsS Ncn-{X-]-c-Xbv¡v henb km£y- am-Wv.

BZn-a-k-`bpsS hnizm-k-{]- tLm-jWw  Cutim Ncn-{X-]pcpj\m-sW-¶-Xnsâ ià-amb asämcp sXfn-hmWv BZn-a-k-`m-k-aq-l-¯nsâ Pohn-Xw.  At´ym-Iym-bn h¨mWv {InkvXp-hn hniz-kn-¨-hÀ BZy-ambn {InkvXym-\n-IÄ F¶p hnfn-¡-s¸-«-Xv.

 kXy-k-Ô-X-tbmsS Ncn-{Xs¯ kao-]n-¡p¶ GsXm-cmÄ¡pw Cutim-bpsS Ncn-{X-]-c-Xsb \ntj-[n-¡m³ Bhn-Ã. kPo-h-ssZ-h-¯nsâ ]p{X- \mb Cutim-bpsS PohnXw am\-h-P-\-Xbv¡v ssNX\yw ]I-cp-¶-Xm-Wv.  Cutimsb CÃm-Xm-¡m³ ]ecpw {ian-¨p. Ah- scÃmw Ncn-{X-¯n-sâ-K-Xn-bn ad-ªp-t]m- bn. F¶mÂ, Cutim C¶pw Ncn-{X-¯n\v AXo-X- \mbn Pohn-¡p-¶p. \{k-¯p-Im-c\pw temI-c-£-I- \p-amb Cutim-bpsS Pohn-Xhpw ktµ-ihpw  ap- s¡¶pw {]tNm-Z-\-am-bn-cn-¡-s«.

ssZhhN\w hmbn¡mw (A¸. {]h. 5:21þ39)