8 TH GRADE MSCM8-3: EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS EQ: What employability skills do you need in order to enhance your career success? 1. Complete “Resume, Cover letter, and Job Questions” in GACOLLEGE411, and SUBWAY APPLICATION on Moodle 2. Complete the “Resume, Cover letter, and Job Application” on Moodle.
7 TH GRADE Come in and have a seat. DO NOT LOG INTO YOUR COMPUTER. I will pass out all materials needed for the test. This includes a number 2 pencil, answer sheet, and test. Identification number: GTID# given to you Special Codes:
INTRODUCTION TO TYPES OF SPEECH EQ: What type of speech presentation is best for me and the situation? Standard: Oral/Written Communication Topic26-Topic32 SIT BY YOUR PARTNER OR PARTNERS FROM YESTERDAY! Have a conversation with your partner/partners about each other. Find out as much as possible about him/her, in order to prepare your speech. You may use a piece paper, notecards, or any other items to prepare you for your speech. You will create a powerpoint for your partner and include pictures, transitions, and animation on every slide. Ask your partner the following: hobbies, sports, family, friends, likes, dislikes, foods, favorite resturaunt, book, movie, color, music, what they do in the summer, favorite place, have they traveled, favorite place in the world, where would they move to if they could, where were they born, where is their family from?
INTRODUCTION TO TYPES OF SPEECH EQ: What type of speech presentation is best for me and the situation? Standard: Oral/Written Communication Topic26-Topic32 You will need to research public speaking strategies or tips, and look up the words on the word wall and define them. You will have to have a page for VOCABULARY, RESOURCES (to cite your work), and state 2 STRATEGIES AND TIPS. VOCABULARY BELOW: POSTURE, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, EYE CONTACT, VOICE PROJECTION, INFLECTION, NERVOUS TICS, TONE, VOICE, PITCH, RATE/SPEED SUDDEN MOVEMENTS OR SOUNDS THAT REPEAT OFTEN
ENTERTAINING SPEECH EQ: How does one prepare and deliver an effective entertaining speech? Standard: Oral/Written Communication Topic26-Topic32 As soon as you finish your open note quiz and have uploaded your work to WEEBLY, open up a new word document and reflect on the following questions: How do you feel about public speaking? Do you feel any anxiety or “stage fright” when going up to speak in front of the class? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Is there anything that you have learned to help you with these? If you were asked today to speak in front of the whole school, would you be able to? Yes/No? Why or why not?
IMPROMPTU SPEAKING EQ: How does one prepare for and deliver effective impromptu speeches? Standard: Oral/Written Communication Topic26-Topic32 Come in and have a seat with your groups. Each of you will need to log in and open up a new Microsoft Word Document. A prompt will be given to each of you to research about for the next ten minutes. After the time is up, I will tell you to STOP researching, and begin writing your speech for the next five minutes. You may begin writing your speech during the first ten minutes, but you have to stop researching after the ten minutes is up. You may want to take notes in word or use the speech outline provided to you on Moodle. Remember to include a introduction, body, and conclusion. TOPIC #1 On certain Fridays you have been given the opportunity to listen to music while you work independently on certain assignments. This depends on how much work is done and whether or not you have earned this privilege. Some teachers/schools do not allow this to even be an option. Research/write about whether or not you think schools should allow students to listen to music while they work. Remember to mention the pros and cons of your argument/opinion.
IMPROMPTU SPEAKING EQ: How does one prepare for and deliver effective impromptu speeches? Standard: Oral/Written Communication Topic26-Topic32 Come in and have a seat with your groups. Each of you will need to log in and open up a new Microsoft Word Document. A prompt will be given to each of you to research about for the next ten minutes. After the time is up, I will tell you to STOP researching, and begin writing your speech for the next five minutes. You may begin writing your speech during the first ten minutes, but you have to stop researching after the ten minutes is up. You may want to take notes in word or use the speech outline provided to you on Moodle. Remember to include a introduction, body, and conclusion. TOPIC #2 As years have gone by, there has been some discussion on enforcing student uniforms in public schools. Some say that this will not only help the school, but it could also help the students as well. Research why or why not schools should or should not require all students to wear school uniforms? Remember to discuss a few pros and cons of your side on this topic.