New Charter Homes Tenant Management Team Co-regulatory Champions
The Tenant Management Team Belinda Jeffery Vera Anderton Sue Cox
Objectives for the session History of introducing TMT The process of setting up the team A typical scrutiny project Relationships within the Company The future Lessons learnt & our top tips
A History Introducing the Resident Scrutiny panel The steering group Aims, objectives and standard documents Resources for supporting the panel
Getting started Sharing the principle with staff, Board & GMT at NCH Recruiting to the Scrutiny panel The next step
A typical scrutiny topic What to scrutinise? The process – Preparation Desktop review Reality check Report writing Monitoring outcomes Information required & protocol
Grounds maintenance Planning Desktop review Example estates Reality checking Report writing
Outcomes Scrutiny outcomes Monitoring recommendations Environmental working group & Local Offers
Relationships Group Management Team The Board Staff Structure
The Future Peer review Co-regulatory Champion work Positive scrutiny areas Accredited programme for members
LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE TENANT MANAGEMENT TEAM AT NEW CHARTER HOUSING TRUST Don’t duplicate your work, too many volunteers doing the same thing can get confusing Spilt people according to skills, have people doing what they are good at and what they enjoy Try not to leave anyone out, encourage the quieter people Thank and inform everyone, including residents you have commissioned to do work for you Can’t prepare for the weather but give consideration to the time of year Don’t let it go to your head!
TOP TEN SCRUTINY TIPS FROM THE TENANT MANAGEMENT TEAM AT NEW CHARTER HOUSING TRUST 1. Start with a steering group 2. Write your documents prior to starting any Scrutiny – including your Terms of Reference, Role Profile & Code of Conduct 1. Employ an independent Mentor 2. Work by time line graphs so you know where you are up to 3. Ensure your Scrutineers have skills & training required.
6. Don’t do all the work as Scrutineers – use your resources, i.e. Resident Inspectors, mystery shoppers 6. Ensure you have organisational buy-in 7. Know your resources 8. Ensure all Scrutiny is evidence based & that tenants have chosen it, you aren’t there to do what the Company wants you to do
Thank you for listening & participating