WINDOWS AZURE WarNov Developer Evangelist Microsoft Colombia
Windows Azure
global footprint
99.95% monthly SLA
pay only for what you use
virtual machines Windows Server and Linux Flexible Workload Support Virtual Private Networking
virtual machine portability
no lock-in
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
reliable and always on Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
continuous storage geo-replication > 500 miles Windows Azure Storage
great partners
web sites Build with ASP.NET, Node.js or PHP Deploy in seconds with FTP, Git or TFS Start for free, scale up as your traffic grows
1 web sites shared reserved SHARED INSTANCES shared
2 SHARED INSTANCES web sites shared reserved shared
SHARED INSTANCES web sites 1 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE 0 reserved
web sites 2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
web sites 2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
cloud services Build infinitely scalable apps and services Support rich multi-tier architectures Automated application management
service package
Server Rack 1Server Rack 2 virtual machine Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network virtual machine
service package Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
service package Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
Network load-balancer configured for traffic Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
focus on apps, not infrastructure
application building blocks
multiple languages
open sourc e
SQL database Relational SQL Server Engine in the Cloud Clustered for high availability Fully Managed Service SQL Reporting support
blob storage Highly available, scalable and secure file system Blobs can be exposed publically over http Continuous geo-replication across datacenters
cache Low latency, in-memory distributed cache Dynamically grow and shrink cache size High availability support Memcached protocol support
300MB distributed cache
identity Integrate with enterprise identity Enable single sign-on within your apps Enterprise Graph REST API 93% of Fortune 1000 use Active Directory
"Manager": { "__deferred": { "uri": " c-64d3-496b-b4d8-0b8ee343c98e')/Manager" } "UserPrincipalName": "Department": "US Sales", "DisplayName": "Adam Barr", "GivenName": "Adam", "JobTitle": "Vice President" "Mobile": " ",...
service bus Secure messaging and relay capabilities Easily build hybrid apps Enable loosely coupled solutions
media Create, manage and distribute content Target any device or media format Ingest, Encode, Protect, Stream
application building blocks
great partners {you}
89 Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Trinidad & Tobago UK United States New Countries: Algeria Argentina Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Dominican Rep Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Guatemala Iceland Indonesia Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Macedonia Malta Montenegro Morocco Azerbaijan Nigeria Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Qatar Saudi Arabia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey UAE Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Bahrain countries and territories
Windows Azure
start now.
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