Evolution to date: where the clusters have come from, where have we reached and where should we be heading? GNC Annual Meeting 13 th -15 th October, Nairobi, Kenya
The objectives of the GNC Annual Meeting To review the work of the GNC in the past five years and identify challenges and bottleneck as well as endorse key GNC documents To provide a structured platform for discussions, sharing information and lessons learned from L3 and other countries from NCC, IMO and cluster partners perspective with an aim to improve coordinated response, information flow and learning. To discuss the role of the GNC in technical nutrition work and provide a forum for presenting technical updates relevant to improving effectiveness of Nutrition in Emergency (NiE) response To agree on the way forward with regards to the development of the GNC strategy
Presentation outline Purpose, global structure and strategic priorities Where we work and how we prioritize countries for support Key achievements along strategic priorities, last five year How do we support country cluster better? Going forward - what else do we need to focus on?
Purpose, global structure and strategic priorities
THE CLUSTER APPROACH The purpose of Clusters is to ensure a well coordinated, strategic, adequate, coherent and effective humanitarian response. ActivationActivatedDeactivated
Where we work and how we prioritize countries for support
Where we work
Prioritization of Cluster countries for GNC Support
Key achievements along strategic priorities, last five years
Strategic Pillar 1: Partnership, communication, advocacy and fundraising Shift in focus within the GNC from development of tools and guidance to country level support in operationalizing tools/guidance Reorganization of the GNC structure leading to improved engagement through the creation of the SAG – Structure strategic input into cluster processes
Strategic Pillar 1: Partnership, communication, advocacy and fundraising Clear structure, aim and activities of the Global Nutrition Cluster, including – A Strategic Framework; 3 year strategy that is costed – Standard Operating Procedures; – Fundraising strategy – Clarification of working relations and links with related initiatives;
GNC Structure Re-commitment of partners: 32 partners and 8 observers
Strategic Pillar 1: Partnership, communication, advocacy and fundraising Better dialogue and clarity among cluster partners on: – Fundraising for GNC priorities ; – Clarity on the identity of the GNC as a collective; – Clear linkages between GNC outputs and documents and those developed by partners on behalf of the GNC.
Strategic Pillar 1: Partnership, communication, advocacy and fundraising Improved and increased partnership and leadership on WP implementation at global level Improved GNC visibility and linkage with global initiatives and other Clusters, in particular with SUN and Food Security cluster. Analysis on the key advocacy priorities for the GNC at global level linking to country priorities –Advocacy Framework/Advocacy tool kit
Funding Trend and Current Funding situation
Strategic Pillar 2: Capacity Development to enhance Nutrition Cluster Coordination and IM functions are country levels Roll out of technical tools developed or supported by GNC – in in 8 countries and through in an pre-service training Mainstreaming the cluster approach within GNC partnership at global level and for country cluster partners – including within the CLA Development of key guidance - GNC handbook, promotion of HTP Specific Training Tools – NCC training packages and IMO tool kit AAP Framework to better address the issue
Guidance Document (2015) Part One: The cluster approach – how it works and UNICEF country representative responsibilities. Part Two: The cluster approach – UNICEF country office responsibilities GUIDANCE FOR UNICEF COUNTRY OFFICES
Usefulness of the HTP for
Use of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook and usefulness
Strategic Pillar 3: Operational and surge support to country clusters Improved specific country level support for cluster response through: – Establishment of the RRT mechanism and deployment complimented by SBP support – Global advocacy for support in large scale emergencies – Technical surge support of 4 RRT with OFDA funding
Strategic Pillar 3: Operational and surge support to country clusters – Systematic Support in recruitment of country cluster coordination staff; – Systematic support to countries as needed – Help Desk. – GNC-CT field support – both report and field visits – Evaluation of the GNC support to country coordination platforms which showed positive great value for GNC support to field coordination
Trend in RRT deployment
Nutrition Cluster Coordinator Team staffing status in priority countries
CCPM in support in over 12 countries
Strategic Pillar 4: Information and Knowledge Management Development of New GNC website Bi-monthly GNC Bulletins providing update on GNC work Knowledge management – six country case studies Transition study in 4 countries - Benchmark and checklist on transition IM/Km strategy, tool kit and Training package
How do we support country cluster better? To deliver on core cluster functions, using country level structures along the HPC???
Management of Cluster
Support to country clusters along the Humanitarian Cycle
Going forward - what else do we need to focus on?
Where should we be heading Better evidence on contribution of cluster to programme scale up and programme impact How to ensure more predictable, accountable and effective responses How do we better articulate the GNC position on - Activity base costing, cash transfer Role of GNC in technical work
Where should we be heading How to ensure programme quality and coverage of the collective response. – Continued measurement of the core cluster functions – Measurement of improvements in programme quality taking corrective action Understanding Transition Support Preparedness Promoting more intelligence about cluster activation
Where should we be heading Build on and strengthen good practice in assessment, response planning and response monitoring Intelligence on how to work with national authorities and local NGOs, Role of cluster partner in providing technical capacity to their own staff Inter-cluster collaboration – Nutrition Sensitive intervention??