Chapter 6: Religion Objective: How can religions be classified and grouped?
2 Language & Religion Two most important forces that bond and define human cultures Two most important factors defining culture regions
Monotheism Belief in one god Examples: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism
Polytheism Belief in multiple or many gods Examples: Hinduism, Greek and Roman mythology, many traditional religions, Wicca, forms of Buddhism, Shintoism
Animism Belief in divine forces/spirits in nature Traditional religions are often animistic
Religion Regions
9 Where are religions distributed? Classification and Distribution of Religions –Universalizing: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism all proselytize –Christianity is the most widespread –In Africa, Islam is the fastest growing In SubSaharan Africa - Christianity
–Ethnic: Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism Tribal (traditional) – small-size ethnic Shiva devotees in India
11 Major Religions: Commonalities Religions have a tendency to splinter Have a founder or key figure Have scriptures Have rituals Have structures for prayer or religious rituals Teach a form of the Golden Rule Prize Peace
4 Minute Quick Write How are religions similar? How are religions different? Write in complete sentences, be specific, and elaborate!