Ghana, Mali and Songhai
Nok Ghana Mali 5x larger than Ghana Songhai
Griot-Storyteller Diviner- Someone who communicates with spirits Kinship-Family Relationship Oral Tradition-History passed through retold stories
Trade routes carried goods from the Middle East, Europe and Asia Gold and Salt Dangerous but profitable Niger and Senegal Rivers-Natural Resource and Transportation
Koumbi-Ghana Niani-Mali Timbuktu- major center for trade and learning Gao- Songhai
King ruled with help from a council of ministers Kingdom divided into large provinces and smaller districts Province ruled by a lesser king District ruled by a chief The son of the king’s sister inherited the throne.
Local rulers had to send their sons to the king’s court. Nobody could trade without the king’s permission Only the king could own gold nuggets Currency-gold dust
Larger than Ghana in every way Officials supervised specific trade or economic items…one would oversea fishing, another would be in charge of forests Kingdom divided into provinces ruled by generals Citizens rewarded with gold, land and horses to keep them loyal
National Honor of the Trousers- only the royal family could wear sewn clothes. Most people wore wrapped cloth. Mansa Musa- Mali’s greatest king, helped to spread Islam and education in West Africa
Founded by Sunni Ali- divided into provinces but never fully organized Ali died mysteriously in 1492 Songhai taken over by general Muhammad Ture- continued spreading Islam in West Africa
Most Africans believed in one supreme creator. Religious practices varied widely from place to place Religion provided rules for living and helped people stay in touch with their history. Most believed the spirits of the dead stayed with the community.
Became popular in West Africa because it assisted in trading with Arab world. More Muslims in cities than in the countryside Men like Mansa Musa, Muhammad Ture aka. Askia Muhammed very important in spreading Islam throughout West Africa. Mosques and schools built throughout West Africa to teach the Koran.