"In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine”


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Presentation transcript:

"In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine”




That’s a lot of people!!!!!

Developed vs. Developing countries

Developed vs. Developing U.S. Japan Canada Australia New Zealand Western Europe The US, Germany,and Japan account for more than ½ of the worlds economic output (1.2 billion people) African countries Asian countries Latin American countries China, India, and Mexico (middle income) 5.4 billion people 97% of world’s pop. growth expected to take place in developing countries

Global Outlook Comparison of developed and developing countries. Figures 1-5 and 1-6

What does this ship almost going over the edge symbolize???? Economic growth

Nonrenewable Resources Figure 1-8

Explain this tragedy of the commons

Developing countries lack infrastructure

Unsustainable resource use

The cost of bringing people out of poverty---- industrialization

Poverty and pollution

Poverty and deforestation

Environmental accounting

Man dominating nature

Diverse grassland


Review part one 1. In a perfect world, what would be the three components of a sustainable society? 2. What would be the two main ways we humans could reduce our global impact on the Earth to achieve a sustainable global planet? 3. What does “poor environmental accounting” refer to? 4. What is a monoculture and how does it impact the earth’s natural systems? 5. How does poverty lead to environmental degradation? 6. How does wealth lead to environmental degradation?

Review Questions part 2 1. Name three traits of developing countries 2. Name three traits of developed countries 3. Name three nonrenewable resources 4. Name three renewable resources 5. Describe one example of tragedy of the commons 6. What is the “external cost of pollution” ? 7. What is passive solar heating? 8. Name two strategies for green building.

Review con’t 9. What are two environmental problems caused by suburban sprawl? 10. Name two benefits to the environment of compact urban living 11. Describe three ways the people in developing countries contribute to environmental degradation 12. Two reasons why poverty leads to overpopulation

Review Continue 13. Describe two reasons why it is more environmentally efficient for people to have more vegetable based diets as opposed to more meat based diets? 14. In what areas of the world is the human population expected to increase the most over the next 20 years? 15. Describe two benefits to eating seasonally and locally. 16. Measure of economic growth? 17. Name one example of nonpoint pollution 18. Earth is a ________system for matter, and an _________ system for energy

review 19. Give an example of how humans try to simplify nature without really knowing the long-term consequences. 20. What prompted the beginning of the industrial revolution? 21. Describe the second law of thermodynamics.