The project and the partners The Comenius project Different numbers. Same values is a school partnership project. Its includes 6 schools in 4 countries : Austria : Europaschule in Wiener Neustadt Spain : Colegio Maria Auxiliadora in Salamanca France : Martinique : Lycée Joseph Gaillard in Fort de France Metropolitan : Institution du Sacré Cœur in La Ville du Bois United Kingdom : Braunton School and Community College in Braunton Pilton Community College in Barnstaple
The host school The Institution du Sacré-Cœur has students and 95 teachers
Programme of the meeting Wednesday, October 6th : arrival of the European delegations Thursday, October 7th : at school Friday, October 8th : at school. Then Paris with students and teachers Saturday, October 9th : visit for the teachers, students in the host family Sunday, October 10 th: departure of the European delegations
Arrival of the delegations of the 5 schools
Welcome to school !!
Different delegations are presenting their school
They are presenting their town and their country too
Students attending classes
and meeting in play ground
Teachers project meeting
Teachers working and exchanging ideas. Welcome words by M. BRAILLY, headmaster to M. YOYOTTE, headmaster of lycée Joseph Gaillard in Fort de France
Visit of Paris together
Teachers visitingVersailles
Departure of all the delegations
Goodbye !!!
Logos made by students for this project « European » Logo by a Spanish student, selected by all the partners French Logo of Julien M. student of the ISC- School
English version: Adrien LAVILLONNIERE, Aymeric SEVIN, Vincent DUVEILLER, Students of the ISC, Classes 3eme C/E Pedagogical team: many teachers and the direction, M. Brailly and M. Dubois. Isc as hosting school of the project meeting