On a scrap piece of paper, list a few problems that you feel that exist in this school. Bellwork
Became a monk in Germany in hopes to find religious enlightenment He studied and taught the Bible Helped to expose the Church’s corruption to Martin Luther Martin Luther
Selling indulgences Basically “tickets to heaven” Buying them would erase the sinner’s sins Also, could help shorten ancestor’s time in purgatory Where Catholics believe they must wait before entering heaven to purify them of their sins Used by the Church to build massive churches or to bribe their way into higher positions within the Church Corruption of the Church
95 letters about what the Church was doing wrong Nailed them to the church door Mainly disagreed with indulgences Challenged the authority of the Pope Pope allowed for Luther to repent Luther ignored the Pope 95 Thesis
Pope Leo X met with King Charles V about Luther Luther granted safe passage to Worms John Huss had too… Luther was asked to “recant” his statements Diet of Worms
“Unless I am refuted and convicted by testimonies of the Scriptures or by clear arguments (since I believe neither the Pope nor the Councils alone; it being evident that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am conquered by the Holy Scriptures quoted by me, and my conscience is bound in the word of God: I can not and will not recant any thing, since it is unsafe and dangerous to do any thing against the conscience.” Luther’s Response
Girl at Columbine school shooting Asked if she was Christian with a gun to her head Answered yes, and died Malala Yousafzai Spoke out for education of women in Pakistan Taliban tried to kill her Still speaks out for education in Pakistan “If a man hasn’t something in which he would die for, then he isn’t fit to live”. -Martin Luther King Jr. Other Examples of People with Incredible Faith
Think about what it is in your life that you would be willing to die for ( it can be an actual thing, it could someone, or it could be for an ideal or value ). Write two paragraphs about what your “thing” is and why it is so special to you. ***Please take this seriously*** Homework
Given 21 days to return to hometown of Wittenberg safely, as promised After 21 days he would be treated as a heretic and arrested and put to death Along the way, a supporter kidnaps him and hides him Here he begins the ground work of the Protestant Reformation Aftermath
Lutheranism Calvinism Anglican Puritanism New Religions
Lutheranism founded by Martin Luther in Germany Calvinism founded by Frenchman John Calvin in Switzerland Both removed the authority of the Pope from their church. Lutheranism and Calvinism
Founded by Henry VIII Wanted an annulment of his marriage Catherine of Aragon was not producing him a male heir Pope refused He makes his own Church Anglican Church
Catherine of Aragon Annulled because she was married to his brother Anne Boleyn Executed Jane Seymour Died in childbirth Anne of Cleves Lasted six months; annulled due to a previous marriage Katherine Howard Adulterer; beheaded Catherine Parr Wives of Henry VIII
“Catholic Light” Felt and looked Catholic with a few changes in beliefs Holy scripture was sufficient for salvation Jesus’ death forgives sins for the whole world Predestination Denies Purgatory Anglican Church
Formed due to dissatisfaction with Church of England Believed there were too many rituals and formalities Wanted to purify the church Puritan Religion
Only head of the Church was Christ Personal Biblical interpretation Removed are rituals and decoration from the church Candles, organs, paintings, etc. Puritan Beliefs
Relations between the King and Puritans started to become hostile Many left the country Initially to the Netherlands Then to the New World Struggle with Church of England