Welcome Students and Parents! Ms. Insel, Mr. Davis, and Mrs. Hamilton 2 ND Grade
Renweb, Binders, and Homework All homework will be posted via the Renweb website. The homework will also be posted on our class website Please make sure you able to access Renweb and our class website. Homework will be posted on Monday’s before 5:00 P.M. All homework is due by Friday. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to access the homework. Binders should be brought back to school daily. Students must also bring 5 SHARPENED PENCILS AND A BOOK DAILY.
Behavior The student will bring a behavior chart home daily. The behavior chart must be signed and returned daily. If the chart is lost, it is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to print another chart via Renweb or our class website. The students will be using a clip-chart behavior system. The students will earn stickers throughout the week for Fun Friday.
Parent Notes/Money Please send any notes or money in a labeled envelope. No money will be accepted outside the classroom.
Volunteering Making copies!!!! (PLEASE LET ME KNOW A.S.A.P IF YOU CAN MAKE COPIES) Purchasing items of the Teacher Wish List (can be found on Renweb) Donating Weekly Fun Friday Treats (A GoogleDoc will be posted to Renweb) Decorating Doors/Bulletin Boards Administering our Pickle Fundraiser
Fundraiser We are interested in doing a Pickle Fundraiser
Projects Projects will be assigned every 6 Weeks and will correlate with our Environmental Theme.
Possible Field Trips DeKalb County Landfill Urban Nutcracker UniverSOUL Circus
Conferences Team Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on 11:15 on an as needed basis.