Virtual Consulting and The Virtual Consulting Firm ™ “ Real People Providing Real Solutions in a Virtual World™”
What is the actual definition of a "Virtual Consultant"? “con·sul·tant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-sltnt) n. One who gives expert or professional advice. One who consults another And vir·tu·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vûrch-l)... Computer Science. Created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network: virtual conversations in a chatroom I guess a "Virtual Consultant" is anyone who gives "advice" by means of computer and/or computer network! :) Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. From ”
Advantages of Virtual Consulting for Clients Access to a much broader resource and skills pool then they could typically acquire and/or afford to hire and retain Just in time (JIT) delivery of services Completely Flexible “work force” No Recruiting / Hiring costs No travel and living costs for Consultants No facilities costs for Consultants No project delays due to lead times inherent in the recruiting -> productive employee life cycle
Advantages of Virtual Consulting for Virtual Consultants (VCs) Our VCs work from wherever they prefer all over the world! Our VCs work pretty much whenever they prefer! Our VCs work pretty much however they wish! They get to do more of what they want to do and that they do best! Flexibility for better Work/Life Balance No commutes No dress codes ;) Opportunities to travel and still work Just as long as all the work gets done and to our High Quality Standards
The Virtual Consulting Firm