Learning Module: ASSESSMENT OF REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN CAPACITY Nestor Castaneda, Zach Feinstein and Shirley J. Dyke Washington University in St. Louis (NEESR-CABER Project)
Objective The proposed educational module will focus on understanding reinforced concrete column (RCC) behavior under combined loading (Axial – Bending) and different design assumptions. The advantage of using this module is that the students will be able supplement the materials from class with visual evidence and comparisons between experimental and numerically calculated results
Description The present module contains three main components: Experimental data Video and photos from several experiments on scaled column specimens tested under bending and axial pseudo-static loads will be available through this interface. The experimental data will be generated using the portable Loading and Boundary Condition Box (LBCB) placed at UIUC
Description Design spreadsheet The student will assess the axial and bending resisting capacities offered by the column An additional document will be provided along with the proposed interface to provide students with a reference on concrete column design, types of failures and general instructions to use the excel spreadsheet.
Description Analysis The student will also be able to numerically calculate the corresponding forces associated with an imposed relative displacement between column ends. With this tool the student can calculate the expected relative displacement to produce forces which will exceed the capacity of the section.
Learning steps….. –Compare the numerically calculated forces and the experimental forces which produce an specific failure state. –Determine what kind of failure occurred in the specimen (compression or tension failure), depending on the steel reinforcement ratio and the eccentricity of the applied loads. –Propose sections with a design that ensures a ductile failure (yielding of the steel in the tension side) under a prescribed eccentricity of applied loads and steel reinforcement.
Module Interface
Future Plans Improvement of the design tool by adding shear capacity assessment A complete module, including lecture materials, homework assignments will be also developed. Experimental data obtained in partnership with MUST- SIM facility will be integrated into these module. Feedback will be required to improve the module before its release (we need users to implement this).