Introduction to the X-band resource estimation exercise W. Wuensch Collaboration meeting 3 November 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to the X-band resource estimation exercise W. Wuensch Collaboration meeting 3 November 2011

Very brief, personal, view of the current status of the technical program and a look to the next years PETS - Easily making specifications. We need to test more often and in more realistic conditions. Accelerating structures – Probably close enough to specifications to go forward on a baseline, which means adding all details, statistics and lifetime. Big question is what happens with beam loading. We are still learning a LOT about life at 100 MV/m and have many refinements, optimizations and alternatives to work through. rf components – Diverse zoo of components, healthy and growing. High-power test capability – Still struggling. KEK recovered from the earthquake and has a steady, even expanding, program planned. SLAC winding down for us. CERN very promising now but still not there. CTF3 restricted to specialized system tests not high rep rate component tests. Breakthrough with new ideas on using medium power sources? High-gradient studies – Major elements of multi-scale picture of breakdown can now be simulated. Starting to produce direct predictions of dependencies, scaling laws and surface preparation techniques. Uncovering the effect of surface current on gradient. Specialized experimental set-ups getting closer to rf conditions.

Our primary objective over the next five years Validate with enough statistics, fully-featured, ‘project-ready’, cost and performance optimized X-band system components for the CLIC main linacs. Plus a secondary objective Nurture an ecosystem of X-band and high-gradient collaborators, applications and suppliers.

This has lead to defining the following five work packages to help coordinate the work and resources among many groups and laboratories We think the following program will fulfill our objective and will require the indicated resources. This needs to brought in line with the reality of the resources we will actually get, perhaps re-prioritizing, refined and made more precise. HELP! NameWP Holder X-band Technologies RF-DESIGNX-band Rf structure DesignA.Grudjev, I. Syratchev Walter Wuensch RF-XPRODX-band Rf structure ProductionG.Riddone RF-XTESTINGX-band Rf structure High Power TestingS.Doebert RF-XTESTFACCreation and Operation of x-band High power Testing FacilitiesE.Jensen (placeholder) RF-R&DBasic High Gradient R&DS.Calatroni

WP: RF-DESIGN Workpackage leaders: A.Grudiev, I. Syratchev Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables (incl. approx. resource estimate) Schedule Task 1: Design of accelerating x- band structures Contribution and follow-up to parameter evolution of CLIC project; optimization of designs for higher gradient and low breakdown rate as well as for lower cost and higher RF-to-beam efficiency: BDR investigation, pulsed surface heating investigation, couplers, wakefield measurements, wakefield suppression, special rf tests etc. Better designs, new designs for new construction scenario or energy staging Task 2: Design of PETSRefinement of designs, optimized ON/OFF Task 3: Design of auxiliary components WFM, Rf networks, breakdown monitors Task 4: Test definition and analysis Contribution to definition of high power test program, contribution to data analysis, integration of test results Additional information or comments: could be link to more information Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WPs BPH-BASE, BPH-SIM, BPH-ML, CTF3-003, BTS-001, CTC-004 and RF-XXXs Key partners: already engaged or potential as known Estimated resources (needed): Total Material (kCHF) Personnel (FTE) Resource comment:

WP: Production- Workpackage leader: G.Riddone Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables (incl. approx. resource estimate) Schedule Task 1: Construction of baseline accelerating structures Test structures for statistical and long term high-power testing with all damping features and high power couplers (for SATS and Test modules in CLEX) è we have to make sure that we count all the structures. including those for the CLEX modules 3 generations of test structures, total quantity 48, total cost ~6 MCHF. 12 in 2013, 12 in 2014, 12 in 2015, 12 in 2016 Task 2: Supply of small series development prototypes and/or medium power test structures Test structures for full features (4), wakefield monitor equipped (4), optimized high-power design (8), different machine energy optima (4), optimized process (8), develop DDS (2) and choke (2), compressor (2) Typically 12 variants in series of 4 structures each, total quantity 40, total cost ~6 MCHF. 8 structures per year Task 3: Supply baseline PETS (note: most PETS fabrication accounted elsewhere, e.g. TBL) PETS for statistical and long term high-power testing4 PETS, total cost 0.2 MCHF. 2 in 2013, 1 in 2014, 1 in 2015 Task 4: PETS for ON/OFF testing PETS for on/ off test2 generations 0.1 MCHF Task 5: Alternative fabrication method Explore alternative fabrication methods Structure fabricated with alternative procedure Task 6: Baseline to pre- series development Take the fully tested x band rf Systems and evolve their production techniques to an industrialized process 2015 onwards Additional information or comments: could be link to more information Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is integrated to WPs CTF3-002, CTF3-003 and CTF3-004 Key partners: already engaged (CEA-IRFU, HIP, Dubna-JINR, Greece, Spain) or potential (Greece, Pakistan) Estimated resources (needed): Total Material (kCHF) Personnel (FTE) Resource comment:

WP: Test areas Workpackage leaders: Erk Jensen Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables (incl. approx. resource estimate) Schedule Task 1: High-power test stands Task 2: Medium power, high rep rate test stand Task 3: Test stand operation Task 4: Additional information or comments: could be link to more information Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WPs Key partners: already engaged or potential as known Estimated resources (needed): Total Material (kCHF) Personnel (FTE) Resource comment:

WP: Testing Workpackage leader: Steffen Doebert Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables (incl. approx. resource estimate) Schedule Task 1: High power testing of x-band structures at CERN Test x-band structures at 12 GHz at CERN, access structure performance as a function of processing and fabrication parameters completed structutre tests and data analysis (1 FTE per teststand ) Task 2: High power testing of x-band structures elsewhere (KEK/SLAC) Follow up structures testing elsewhere, provide resources, coordinate colaboration agreements,give technical input for testing and data analysis completed structure tests and data analysis (1 FTE at SLAC, 1 FTE at KEK) Task 3: Maintain overall testing schedule inline with R&D goals and priorities transparent structure testing planning updated testing schedule (0.2 FTE) Task 4: Maintain and coordinate globla data analysis and document results overview of the results to document achievements and draw conclusions data analysis, publications, 'database', (0.3 FTE) Task 5: Feedback to structure design and test stands Optimise the structure design and test stands Additional information or comments: Link to other WPs/activities: This WP should have a close link to RF-testfac to coordiante the needs Key partners: KEK, SLAC, CEA Estimated resources (needed): Total Material (kCHF) Personnel (FTE) at CERN Resource comment: FTE elsewhere

WP: High-gradient Workpackage leaders: S. Calatroni, W. Wuensch Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables (incl. approx. resource estimate) Schedule Task 1: dc spark test areas 1 kHz range repetition rate, large area testing, fully instrumented dc spark systems 2 systems for a total cost of 0.5 MCHF First system operational 2012, second system operational 2014 Task 2: Theoretical and experimental studies of high-gradient and high- power phenomena Basic understanding of high-gradient and high-power phenomena including breakdown, pulsed surface heating, high-power rf design dynamic vacuum and dark current. Data analysis of existing experiments, new experiments proposal, computations, reports Task 3: Application of high-gradient and high- frequency technology to other projects Create technology base for compact normal conducting accelerators. Reports on high-gradient X-band applications Additional information or comments: could be link to more information Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WPs RF-xprod, RF-xtesting Key partners: already engaged or potential as known: SLAC, KEK, Helsinki Univ., Upssala Univ., IAP Sumy (Ukraine), Wueppertal U. Estimated resources (needed): Total Material (kCHF) Personnel (FTE)11111 Resource comment:

Some comments on today: I’m truly sorry about the packed schedule – it’s brutal but let’s try to stick to it. This afternoon I would like to synthesize all of the templates into a single excel sheet and would like to ask for volunteers to help with this. I think I can see how we can work in parallel…